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The complete disappearance of an Inuit people in Canada: the truth that nobody tells

Discover the fascinating story behind the mysterious disappearance of an Inuit people in Nunavut, Canada, 90 years ago. Was it a mass migration, an extraterrestrial abduction, or simply an urban legend? A narrative full of mysteries, investigations, and theories that will keep your curiosity awake....
24-06-2024 18:58

  1. The Legend's Version
  2. The Police Investigation
  3. The Truth Behind the Legend

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Hello, dear curious reader!

Today we are going to talk about one of those mysteries that spark the imagination and send shivers down your spine: the supposed disappearance of an entire village in Canada 90 years ago.

Get ready, because I guarantee that by the time you finish reading, you will have a couple of things to ponder (and debate with your friends, of course).

A Disappeared Canadian Village?

Let me set the scene for you. Year 1930. Nunavut, Canada. A fur trapper named Joe Labelle arrives at a village near Lake Anjikuni and finds... nothing. Well, almost nothing. The houses were empty, the pots still had food, but there was no trace of the people. Intriguing, isn't it?

Come on, start thinking: What would you do if you arrived at a place and suddenly all the inhabitants had "vanished"? Run away? Investigate? Or call the Ghostbusters?

The Legend's Version

According to legend, Labelle found a rather disturbing scene: intact fishing boats, dead sled dogs, and even unearthed graves. Can you imagine the shiver that ran down his spine?

Some neighbors from nearby villages claimed to have seen a huge green light over the Inuit settlement. Of course, people started talking about alien abductions, conspiracies, and even ghosts.

Come on, this has more ingredients than a Hollywood movie.

Do you like mystery and suspense stories? Or do you prefer a good romantic drama? Well, this one has a bit of everything.

The Police Investigation

Here is where we start to uncover the juicy details. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigated and the result: Nothing! No trace of the inhabitants, no conclusive clues. So what happened?

The most widely accepted theory is a possible mass migration due to adverse weather conditions, although it does not explain why they left everything behind so abruptly.

Which theory convinces you more: the migration or the UFOs? Put yourself in the shoes of the detectives for a moment.

The Truth Behind the Legend

Ah, but here comes the surprise. It turns out that, according to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, such a large village never existed in that remote area.

The story gained notoriety through the book "Stranger than Science" by Frank Edwards, a great propagandist of UFOs.

Voilá! That's how a good urban legend is built, dear readers.

If we stick to historical documents, a journalist named Emmett E. Kelleher wrote in 1930 about a camp that had been abandoned, but we are talking about six tents and about 25 inhabitants. Which, compared to the mentioned 1,200, seems much less spectacular, doesn't it?

It's sad that major newspapers around the world publish this legend as true, "forgetting" the lack of evidence to support it.

Were you expecting it all to be an urban legend? What does this tell us about our need to seek extraordinary explanations for ordinary events?

Well, here we are at the end of our journey, with a beautiful and mysterious tale debunked. Did you end up with more questions than answers? Great, because that's the idea. Mystery is part of the charm, after all!

What do you think? Do you prefer facts over fiction or do you think a bit of mystery makes life more interesting?

Leave us a comment and share this story with your friends. You never know who might be interested in a good story!

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