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Where do cats go when they go outside? A study reveals their secrets

Have you ever wondered where cats go when they go outside? A study in Norway tracked 92 felines with GPS and revealed their destinations. Discover the findings in Nature....
19-08-2024 12:33

  1. GPS Cats: A High-Tech Adventure!
  2. Feline curiosity, a powerful instinct
  3. Where do cats go? Almost never far from home!
  4. The "feline landscape": a community of explorers
  5. What does this mean for our feline friends?

GPS Cats: A High-Tech Adventure!

Imagine you are a cat! One day you decide to go outside and explore the world. You put on your little GPS device and set off on an adventure. That’s what 92 felines did in Norway, and thanks to a group of researchers, we now know where they go.

The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) got to work mapping the movements of these curious animals.

Can you imagine what they discovered? Let's take a look!

In the meantime, I suggest you schedule our: Free online veterinarian with Artificial Intelligence, so you can ask the veterinarian what is happening with your pet.

Feline curiosity, a powerful instinct

Cats are known for their curious and adventurous nature. This instinct drives them to explore beyond the doors of their home. Although they enjoy the safety of the sofa and the food in their bowl, these little hunters have a strong urge to investigate their surroundings.

But where do they really go when they go outside?

Researchers fitted GPS devices on 92 cats living in a small Norwegian town. Professor Richard Bischof, who led the study, commented that the goal was to map the movements of all these felines in a specific area. And they certainly achieved that!

Check out this other story: The friendship between a cat and a mouse that you won't believe.

Where do cats go? Almost never far from home!

The results were surprising. Despite their adventurous spirit, cats spent 79% of their time outdoors less than 50 meters from their home.

That's less than the distance between your sofa and the fridge! The maximum recorded distance was 352 meters, but that was more of an exception. So, if your cat takes a while to return, it's likely that they're exploring their garden or taking a nap in their favorite spot.

Additionally, most of these felines were neutered, which may influence their desire to roam.

Veterinarian Juan Enrique Romero recommends starting the search if a cat does not return after eighteen hours. But, don't worry! Generally, they don't wander far.

Do you dream of cats? Discover what dreaming of cats means here

The "feline landscape": a community of explorers

The study also presented a fascinating concept: the "feline landscape." The researchers used GPS data to create a map showing how cats utilize their environment.

This landscape reflects the intensity with which each cat interacts with its territory. Can you imagine all those cats socializing and creating their own community? It's like a feline neighborhood!

Moreover, each cat has its own personality, which influences how they explore and use their space. Some are more adventurous, while others prefer to stay close to home.

It's just like in human life! We all have different ways of enjoying our surroundings.

What does this mean for our feline friends?

Understanding these behavior patterns is crucial to ensuring the well-being of our cats. Caregivers should create a stimulating environment both inside and outside the home.

At the same time, it is vital to be aware of the impact that cats can have on local wildlife. Scientists hope to study more about how these felines interact with other species in their environment.

So, the next time you see your cat going out to explore, remember that, although they are small adventurers, they don’t stray too far from home! How about taking a look at their garden to see their "feline landscape"? You might find more adventures than you imagine!

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