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Pisces' relationship with their parents

People born under the sign of Pisces are kind and sympathetic. The young Pisces has a vivid vision and a keen sense of perception....
23-07-2022 16:54

People born under the sign of Pisces are kind and sympathetic. The young Pisces has a vivid vision and a keen sense of perception. Sensitivity often helps young children to make sound judgements and to avoid harm. Children born under the sign of Pisces are reserved.

However, they require constant attention from their parents. When it comes to family, it is their responsibility to solve any problems. Pisces are eager to communicate their emotions and urge others to do so as well. They feel this is the best way for the family to stay connected and flourish. Pisces feels anchored in their parents and has a strong affinity with them.

Because Pisces is such a vulnerable sign, it needs a lot of gentle psychological contact and instructions on how to handle relationships while having a stable will, and Pisces look to their father for guidance. Pisces are connected to their mother, but consider her a friend rather than a parent. Pisces build their own bonds based on those of their parents.

For Pisces, family conflicts are very dangerous. Children born under this sign mature a little more slowly than other young people. Therefore, they always need encouragement and kind words. Since Pisces girls have such an erratic mood, frequent interaction is essential for them. Therefore, their parents are always on the lookout for their children.

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Today's horoscope: Pisces

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