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Pisces in love: How compatible is he with you?

What they are looking for is a complete, honest and uninhibited love....
13-09-2021 20:15

  1. They will respond to your feelings
  2. What love means to them
  3. On the physical plan

When in love, Pisces natives reveal all their charisma. Being the last sign of the zodiac, these guys are sensitive and really appreciate all the qualities of their partner.

They are their best self when they are doing something creative or involved in a relationship. The incurable romantics of the zodiac, these guys like candlelit dinners and fine wines. They believe in true love and spend a lot of time searching for it.

Therefore, Pisces will have a few partners before settling down with someone. They may have many broken hearts before their final performance in love. It is important for them to have someone by their side, as they do not like to be single.

Mysterious and attractive, these guys are like aphrodisiacs. They live in a parallel universe, and many will be attracted by their magnetism. If you want to win their heart forever, appeal to their romanticism. Take them to a classical concert or to the theatre. They won't resist and will fall in love with you.

They will respond to your feelings

They tend to underestimate the power of their charm, so they will be sympathetic to the person they love. If this bothers you, say so and they will understand. They are not the most communicative people, but they can understand what others are feeling even if they don't say it clearly.

Many say they even have telepathic powers. But it's not that, it's that they take the time to study a person's behaviour and words.

Or it may be their connection to other planes of reality and their inner world that no one knows about. When they feel lost or uneasy, they simply escape into this fantasy world.

People are fascinated by them when they are lost in a different realm, and find them incredibly attractive. Their psychic powers to read other people's minds are most likely the result of their attentiveness to others.

Very sensitive to their partner's feelings, they will run away immediately if they feel they are no longer loved. They are the people to whom the rule of opposites applies.

They will like someone who is different from them, and they need to be liked more than anything else in the world. As soon as they are with a person, everything falls into place for them.

When they are alone or out of a relationship, things seem to stop working for them, and they become depressed.

They long for a complete love, one in which the partners lose themselves in each other, in a kind of mystical connection. Being a mutable sign, they can sometimes change depending on what the partner wants them to be.

Pisces must be very careful with their emotions. As soon as they get involved in something serious or get married, they become less and less practical. They can also be overly critical of things that don't even matter.

Even more romantic than Cancers, Pisces are inveterate dreamers, the ultimate idealists who want their relationships to be perfect and just like in the movies. And that is why they will often be disappointed. Many of them will never find the person they can love unconditionally for the rest of their lives.

What love means to them

Loving creatures, Pisces will be very close and supportive of the person they love. Sometimes they will regret not being in a relationship from their past. When they are in love, they become completely blind and cannot see if their partner has any faults, especially at the beginning.

More than other signs, these guys enjoy being in love. That is why they are the ones who would give up everything for this feeling.

Through love, they escape the worries of life, and explore a happier reality. This is what makes them feel alive, and they could easily survive on water, food and sex alone.

Spiritual people do not think of lovemaking lightly. They value it, respecting the partner. The ideal person for them will be loving, kind and also demonstrative.

If so, Pisces will give themselves without hesitation to anything their partner does. But they should be careful not to spend too much energy on love alone.

The special connection they seek must exist, and someone who understands them must be real.

For a true Pisces, life is meaningless without a loved one. They need a romantic connection and often jump into relationships without thinking too much. Over-sensitive, they flare up when their partner doesn't understand them.

Patience is a must with a Pisces. They are not so good when rejected, but when offered affection and attention, they shine like stars. They see sex as a spiritual and emotional connection.

The secret to making them happy is to remember that they have a romantic side. Also, that they are emotional. Laughing and crying at the same time, Pisces can be extreme with how they feel.

No wonder they escape to a dream world whenever their everyday life is too stressful or boring. In their imaginary reality, everything is great.

This can sometimes affect their relationships. If they pretend that everything is fine and just avoid each other, things with their partner can take a bad turn, and a break-up will be inevitable.

More caught up in the metaphysical and not the physical, Pisces will not be as interested in sex. But if you stimulate their imagination, you can get them to make incredible love.

Take advantage of the fact that they have fantasies. Be creative and invent games and roles in the bedroom. A little music and a good wine will also set the mood for a great night. A bath would be one of the ultimate indulgences.

On the physical plan

As already mentioned, Pisces are idealistic and sometimes look for someone who doesn't exist. If you want to be with someone of this sign, be sure to establish an emotional bond with him or her, and you will have your chances.

Don't forget that they are looking for something spiritual, a love that fulfils them physically, mentally and emotionally. Unconventional in bed, these guys are inventive lovers. But they need to be stimulated by someone who enjoys a little madness between the sheets.

As sexual partners, Pisces are passionate and skilled, and are guided by their feelings, not their mind. Sensual and passionate, they will connect with their sexual partner on a deeper level every time they make love.

With these guys it's more than just physical. They are naturals at deep sexual connections. Follow their ideas and you will enjoy something surprising and maybe for the first time. Don't insist on doing things your way.

Convince them of your style. Helpful and supportive, Pisces will sacrifice their own needs to make their partner happy. They are people who will do anything to make sure their other half is satisfied.

If you are with a Pisces, you should know that these guys have the ability to feel your pain and do something about any problem.

Neptune, which is the planet of illusion and mystery, rules Pisces. This is why this sign is always in a dream world, and wants a love like the one in the movies. Mysterious and mystical, people of this sign will share their other realms with their lover.

Many Pisces have something to do with the occult. Personality-wise, they are like a river, sometimes warm and sometimes cold.

If you see them being secretive, don't take it personally. They are probably thinking about how to solve a problem. Their ideal partner should be down-to-earth and realistic.

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Today's horoscope: Pisces

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