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Pisces Woman: Key Traits in Love, Career and Life

He is not very keen on discerning between fantasy and reality....
13-09-2021 19:59

  1. An understanding lover
  2. He does not apologise for his actions
  3. Needs a boost
  4. Always attracted by water motifs

The Pisces woman is an enigma with beautiful eyes. She is always energetic and focused on getting what she wants. Reserved, this romantic lady will always have something new to reveal about the way she is.

Some people will say that the Pisces woman is too much of a dreamer. But this is not the case. In fact, she is spiritual and always connected to her emotions.

Her intuition is strong and she is always aware of what is going on around her. Many would say she is a gentle soul and they would be right. She is interested in finding the deeper meaning of things and succeeds at it.

Pisces women need to express themselves through the arts. That is why they tend to be good at jobs that require depth and creativity.

Some of the most famous women in Pisces are Sharon Stone, Rihanna, Elizabeth Taylor, Eva Mendes, Queen Latifah and Glenn Close.

Ruled by Neptune and being the last zodiac sign of the wheel, the Pisces woman will have connections with metaphysics and possess great intuition.

Putting the needs of others above her own, this woman is giving and emotional. It is imperative that she determines early on how she will go through life: against the tide or with it.

In a bad mood, the Piscean woman will act as she feels at the time. At gatherings with friends she can be outgoing and loud, or quiet and reserved. Because she is connected to a different plane of existence, she can easily escape from reality when it becomes too harsh. She will prefer a place where everything is perfect.

Many will think that she avoids her problems, others will say that she has an original way of dealing with them. As Neptune is the planet that rules this dreamy Pisces, people born in this sign are very intuitive.

The Pisces woman will be full of mixed feelings which change depending on what is happening. The main challenge in her life is to determine what is true and what is just an illusion.

An understanding lover

No one can keep a Pisces woman from love. It is one of her favourite things in life. She feeds her imagination with love stories and dreams of living them.

So sometimes she needs to be brought back to reality, where a relationship does not mean honeymooning over and over again.

The Pisces woman becomes very careful when she falls in love. She will flirt until she is sure of something.

She likes the way you make her feel and will be seduced by the senses. She feels complete when she is in love, and will always be loyal to her partner.

The Pisces woman is very giving when it comes to love. But she will not give everything, as she still needs to keep something for her invisible world.

Dual in nature, this woman is both weak and strong at the same time. It is important not to treat her as a fool, knowing that she is a giver.

She may seem to have no limits when it comes to understanding and forgiveness, but she does. And when she is angry she can be very dangerous.

As an emotional being, love for a Piscean woman is also emotional. She manages to combine this emotional plane with the physical.

Between the sheets, she is playful and fun. Don't be afraid to decorate the bed for her. She will love a different atmosphere. Surprise her from time to time and you will thank her for it. Her imagination is developed and scented candles are her favourite.

He does not apologise for his actions

A relationship with a Pisces woman is calm and dreamy. She will not fight unless there is a good reason.

She is a giver with her partner and expects inspiration, protection and imagination.

A Piscean's mission in life is to improve the lives of others, but this does not mean that you should take advantage of it.

If she is caught doing something wrong, she trusts that she will be forgiven. The Pisces woman does not apologise, she simply goes on living and expects her partner to do the same.

The family of a Pisces woman will be spoiled. She is a very loving mother who sometimes does not know how to discipline her children.

She will go above and beyond herself to make other family members happy. She knows how to make a place cosy and will never forget a birthday.

A Pisces woman will be a devoted friend. She puts others before herself and empathises with any situation. Many people would say that Pisces cannot be good friends because they live in a different world, but that is not true at all.

The Pisces woman can give good advice if you are in trouble. She has friends from many different places and is very popular in her circle of friends.

Needs a boost

One thing is for sure, the Pisces woman is not cut out for the corporate world. She needs to put her creativity into practice and, as a Water sign, she is versatile and adapts quickly.

When she likes what she does, the Pisces woman will be hard-working and motivated. She could be anything from a librarian to a detective to a social worker. As an artistic person, she would be great as a psychic, musician, actress and photographer.

There are some Pisces women who don't really know what to do with their lives until they reach maturity. That is why young Pisceans may need a little career guidance.

Unless there are more dominant signs in her natal chart, the Pisces woman can be a disaster when it comes to handling money. She is an emotional spender, but knows how to stretch herself when necessary.

Always attracted by water motifs

Because she is intense with her emotions, the Pisces woman can sometimes suffer from headaches.

You should be careful to moderate your alcohol intake and rest. He tends to have a hectic nightlife, so moderation is the key in his case. All your youthful excesses may come back to affect your health later in life.

A Piscean woman will always be graceful. She looks best when she wears silk and soft materials.

If you want to buy her a gift, jewellery is the answer. Hair clips and foot rings are her favourite accessories. Aquamarine and amethyst are her stones, so wearing them will give her exceptional peace of mind. She will look amazing with sea green, blue and turquoise.

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Today's horoscope: Pisces

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