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Dating a Pisces woman: Things you need to know

What it's like to date a Pisces woman if you want to win her heart forever....
13-09-2021 20:01

  1. Your expectations
  2. How to date her

Those who date a Pisces woman can consider themselves lucky. She is one of the most romantic signs of the zodiac. However, don't think that the Pisces woman is not practical and down to earth.

It might be a bit dreamy for someone who only sees things in black and white, but not for those who also have an introspective side.

A Pisces woman will be easily noticed in a group. She is the most attentive person, the one who seems charming and pays attention to what everyone is saying. She likes to let others speak and is warm, interested and cordial.

If you are looking for someone who supports everything you do, look no further. The Pisces woman could be the perfect choice for you.

Although she may seem overly sentimental to some, she is the perfect life partner, as she cares deeply about her lover's feelings.

It is important not to use her. She may be the one who offers to pay for the meal at the restaurant, but this does not mean that you should let her do it. In any relationship, both partners have to give.

As a good empath, the Pisces woman will know how you feel before you have a chance to tell her. She feels the need to help those who are suffering, so don't be surprised if she volunteers to care for the elderly in a nursing home.

Your expectations

Many people will see the Pisces woman as a soft person who will do whatever others ask of her. If you wish to have a serious relationship with her, protect her from people interested in taking advantage of her kind nature.

She can be an unpredictable lover who cannot be controlled, as she can run away just when you thought you had her eating out of the palm of your hand.

She is not easy to communicate with because she has a completely different world in her mind, a world she escapes into when reality is too harsh.

If you want to understand her, you will have to follow her thoughts and guess what her imagination has come up with. She sees the world in clear and optimistic colours.

That's why she is a delight to be in your company. Affectionate, shy and introspective, the Pisces woman will know all your ins and outs. That's why Pisces women are rarely single. They are too affectionate for people not to want to be around them.

She is very fond of the people who have passed through her life, so if you go out with her, don't be surprised when she starts mentioning her ex-lovers.

An incurable romantic, the Pisces native will love you more if you bring her flowers and take her out for a moonlit stroll.

It is important that you have a good relationship with the people in his life, as he is very fond of family and friends.

Fortunately, these people will not be too many, as he does not tend to have too many friends. She likes people who are passionate about something. So if you have a certain hobby, be serious about it and she will appreciate it, loving you more.

Being a mutable sign with Water as their element, Pisces are fragile when it comes to their feelings, flexible with people and with a strong connection to different planes of reality.

The Pisces woman is introverted and withdraws when people have an aggressive attitude. It is important to keep things light with the Pisces woman at first. If not, they get scared and definitely pull away.

How to date her

The Pisces woman takes her time before making a decision, so don't despair if she doesn't accept your invitation to go out immediately. She will agree to go out if you keep things light and relaxed.

He will study your attitude to certain situations and what your reactions are when he challenges you.

He won't be so much interested in how you dress and how you wear your hair, but more in how you behave. She knows a thing or two about body language and psychology. Also, it is important that you don't bother her with something.

As said before, the Pisces woman is fragile and may reject you forever if you hurt her with something. Do not gossip or make mean comments about people and things, as she does not like negative people.

Once you have reached her, make sure you remember all the important dates, such as when you first kissed or held hands. She will always be in love with you if she sees that you pay so much attention to the relationship.

Role-playing, romantic dinners and fine wines will keep the Pisces woman by your side. Make her laugh and take her dancing. Pisces women have a good ear for music and know how to dance.

A little imagination between the sheets wouldn't hurt either. You'll have to wait before he takes you to his bedroom, but the wait won't be in vain.

She will be the perfect partner if you know how to treat her. Be sensitive and warm and you will surely have her heart.

It is normal for Pisces to live in a dream world. This means they can be a bit disorganised and not always reliable. So don't think for a moment that they stood you up when they didn't show up for their appointment. He simply forgot he had to go to work.

He can also be clumsy, so it is important that your partner is a true gentleman. Never make promises you can't keep. She needs people who are more reliable, as she is forgetful about things.

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