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Can exercise help us fight alcohol hangover? What do the experts say?

Exercise after drinking? Alcohol dehydrates and slows digestion. Experts have tips for tackling a hangover. Ready to discover them? ??...
05-12-2024 11:29

  1. The first sip: what happens to the body?
  2. Exercise for the hangover?
  3. The science behind sweat
  4. Listen to your body

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Ah, the hangover! That faithful companion of party nights that never misses its appointment the next day.

Did you know that the name "hangover" comes from the Latin "ressacare," which means to cut again? And it certainly cuts... it cuts good humor, energy, and sometimes even the will to live.

But don't worry, we have some tricks and tips that experts recommend for dealing with this dreaded enemy.

The first sip: what happens to the body?

After a night of drinking, the body is not exactly a temple. It more closely resembles an amusement park after a hurricane. Dehydration, digestive problems, and fatigue that seems to have come to stay.

Does that sound familiar? Alcohol, that diuretic disguised as a friend, not only dehydrates you but also slows down digestion and can irritate the stomach lining.

And if that weren't enough, some feel like their heart is dancing to the samba the next day. What a combo!

Alcohol increases the risk of cancer by 40%

Exercise for the hangover?

Now, here comes the million-dollar question: can exercise really help alleviate a hangover? Some brave souls swear that it can. Andy Peterson from the medical team at the University of Iowa says that exercise is almost a "miracle drug."

But, be careful, we’re not talking about marathons or lifting weights like you’re Hulk.

A light walk, a gentle jog, or a calm yoga session could do the trick. However, if you feel your body screaming "stop!", it’s best to obey it.

The science behind sweat

Although there are few studies on the direct relationship between exercise and hangovers, the small studies that do exist suggest that dehydration negatively impacts physical performance.

A study in Greece found that hikers with hangovers felt more exhausted than their non-hangover peers after a 16-kilometer hike. So before you dive into the adventure of sweating out the hangover, fuel your body with electrolytes and water.

Remember: a good breakfast also makes a difference.

Listen to your body

If you decide to test the power of exercise, make sure to listen to your body. If you start to feel better, great!

Maybe the endorphins are working their magic. But if you feel worse, don't push yourself. Remember that a hangover is not the best time to try new or vigorous activities.

The key is moderation and knowing your limits. And if someone asks you, you can always say that you are on a "post-party recovery retreat." Cheers! And don't forget that the real trick is to prevent, not to cure.

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