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1,700-year-old Roman sarcophagus discovered at beach bar in Bulgaria

A 1,700-year-old Roman sarcophagus discovered at a beach bar in Varna, Bulgaria. Authorities are investigating its mysterious arrival at Radjana Beach....
19-08-2024 12:29

  1. Archaeological Discovery in Varna
  2. The Unexpected Discovery
  3. The Origin of the Sarcophagus
  4. Investigation and Future of the Sarcophagus

Archaeological Discovery in Varna

A surprising discovery on the beach has caused a stir in the international archaeological community. A 1,700-year-old Roman sarcophagus was discovered at a beach bar in Radjana Beach, Varna, Bulgaria.

This discovery has generated great interest among both tourists and the archaeological community.

Unexpectedly found by a former police officer who was on vacation, the finding has led Bulgarian authorities to initiate an investigation to unravel the origin and history of this enigmatic artifact.

The Unexpected Discovery

The unusual discovery occurred when a former law enforcement agent, on vacation in San Constantino and Santa Elena, noticed an ancient stone coffin at the Radjana Beach bar.

According to the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior, the tourist reported his discovery to the competent authorities. Archaeologists were dispatched to the site and soon identified the object as a Roman sarcophagus.

The published images show the sarcophagus decorated with garlands, flowers, grapes, and several heads of horned animals, highlighting its historical significance.

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The Origin of the Sarcophagus

The origin of the sarcophagus is still a mystery. According to archaeologists, its design is not typical of Varna and suggests that the coffin was likely brought from another part of Bulgaria.

“Every object that has archaeological value, regardless of where, when, and by whom it was found, belongs to the state,” commented archaeologist Alexander Minchev. This principle underscores the responsibility of the authorities to investigate how such a valuable artifact ended up in a beach bar.

Investigation and Future of the Sarcophagus

The Bulgarian Ministry of Interior has moved the sarcophagus to the Varna Archaeological Museum for preservation and study. Although the case has been reported to a prosecutor and preliminary investigation procedures have begun, no charges or defendants have been specified.

Archaeologists have emphasized the importance of clarifying how the sarcophagus was used as a table for nearly four years at the Radjana Beach bar. Meanwhile, this artifact, which is a silent testimony of Roman history, awaits to unveil its secrets in its new refuge.

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