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The radio broadcast that unleashed the panic of an extraterrestrial attack

Discover how Orson Welles sparked panic with his radio adaptation of 'The War of the Worlds' on October 30, 1938, revolutionizing the media....
30-10-2024 12:34

  1. An Unforgettable Halloween
  2. The Magic of Radio
  3. The Impact of the Broadcast
  4. A Lesson for the Future

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An Unforgettable Halloween

On October 30, 1938, one day before Halloween, Orson Welles carried out one of the most iconic radio broadcasts in history. At 23 years old, he decided to adapt "The War of the Worlds" by H.G. Wells for his radio program on CBS.

Despite warning that it was fiction, the program unleashed panic among thousands of listeners who believed they were witnessing a real alien invasion.

The Magic of Radio

The broadcast started as a musical transmission that was interrupted by reports of explosions on Mars and the arrival of extraterrestrial ships in New Jersey.

These fictional reports, narrated with impressive realism, caused many listeners to become immersed in the story, forgetting that it was a dramatization. The voice of the newscaster described with dread the advance of alien creatures, intensifying the atmosphere of terror that took hold of the audience.

The Impact of the Broadcast

The public's reaction was so intense that CBS's phone lines collapsed with calls from scared people seeking confirmation of the events.

Newspapers the next day exploded with headlines about the supposed panic, with some reports claiming that police stations and newsrooms were overwhelmed with inquiries.

This event demonstrated the power of the media, making it clear that they could deeply influence the emotions and behaviors of the masses.

A Lesson for the Future

In the following years, investigations were conducted to measure the actual impact of the broadcast. Although some initial reports may have exaggerated the extent of the panic, Welles' episode remains a testament to the impact that media can have on public perception.

This event underscored the responsibility that communicators have when handling information and fiction, a lesson that still resonates in the modern era of news and social media.

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