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Who are the holy archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael?

Discover who the holy archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael are, and why the Catholic Church celebrates their day. Learn about their role in the celestial hierarchy!...
01-10-2024 10:34

  1. A Celestial Triangle: Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael
  2. The Celestial Hierarchy and its History
  3. The Missions of the Archangels
  4. A Spiritual Legacy

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A Celestial Triangle: Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael

Welcome to the heavenly feast! Every September 29th, the Catholic Church, among other faiths, celebrates the three great ones of the celestial hierarchy: Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. These archangels are not just characters from stories; they are figures that cross borders, uniting Orthodox, Anglicans, and various Reformation churches in a spiritual connection with the divine.

But who are these three really? Why do they hold such a high position in the celestial hierarchy? Let's find out.

Imagine a celestial stage where these archangels are the protagonists. Michael, the warrior; Gabriel, the messenger; and Raphael, the healer. Each of them has a specific mission that goes beyond what many of us could imagine.

While Michael fights against evil, Gabriel brings the good news, and Raphael ensures that everyone arrives safe and sound at their destination. What a task these three have!

The Celestial Hierarchy and its History

Since time immemorial, angels have been part of the celestial court. Each one has its own dignity and mission. The archangels occupy the highest level of this hierarchy. Their work is not limited to being messengers.

No, their responsibilities are deeper. Michael is the defender of the people, Gabriel the bearer of revelations, and Raphael the protector of travelers. What a team!

Interestingly, although the Christian tradition clings to these three, there are mentions of seven archangels in the ancient Jewish tradition. Have you ever wondered what would happen if we knew all of them?

Perhaps we would have an even more diverse team of angels. Still, the devotion to Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael remains strong and vibrant.

The Missions of the Archangels

Now, let's talk about their missions. Michael, whose name means "Who is like God?", is the celestial warrior who not only battles Satan but also protects the faithful. Can you imagine having such a defender in your life? It's like having a superhero, but one who wears armor and wields a sword, not a cape.

Gabriel, the "Power of God," has a special role in the Annunciation. He was the one who brought the news to Mary about the conception of Jesus. Imagine being the messenger of such great news. Gabriel not only speaks, but he also listens! He is the one who helps people open their hearts to the divine will.

Finally, Raphael, whose name means "Medicine of God," is the healer. His story with Tobias is a beautiful tale of love and healing. Raphael not only accompanies travelers but also helps them find love. A romantic archangel!

A Spiritual Legacy

The influence of these archangels is not limited to the scriptures. Their legacy continues in the daily lives of many. In 1992, the Holy See established limits on how these figures should be taught, thus protecting their mystery. It is a reminder that, although we can know a lot about them, there will always be an element of wonder.

So, the next time you think of Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, remember that they are not just names on a calendar. They are symbols of struggle, communication, and healing. Each of them represents a path to the divine. And you, which of these paths do you choose to follow in your life?

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