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The viral photograph that defies logic! Where is the woman's head?

A photograph that has gone viral in recent days shows a headless woman in what appears to be a beauty salon: Where is her head?...
20-05-2024 15:00

The author of the original photograph is unknown, which has sparked a debate among social media users... Where is the woman's head?

The original photo circulating on the internet is quite blurry, which adds to the confusion.

However, I have managed to enhance its quality using artificial intelligence; for this reason, it may become easier to discover the "trick" in this photograph.

As you can see in the image, there is a sort of beauty salon and several women.

People are asking: where is the head of the woman wearing the black dress with white circular spots?

If you can't see it, I suggest you imagine the woman with her head completely turned to the right, as if sleeping on that side. We can only see her ear and some of her blonde hair.

If you still can't see it, look at the image below where we have marked where her left ear and hair are. Just imagine her head resting on her right shoulder, as if sleeping.

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