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The real stalker from the successful Netflix series gave an interview

The stalker in real life, named Martha in the successful Netflix series, gave an interview to Piers Morgan that is generating worldwide anticipation...
09-05-2024 19:23

The real-life stalker, named Martha in the hit Netflix series, gave an interview to successful entertainment journalist Piers Morgan.

Another journalist who had encountered her was harassed by her, will Piers Morgan also be her victim?

The successful Netflix series has generated a lot of buzz about the real people it is based on, so this interview is expected to have a global impact.

The hit Netflix show premiered just over a month ago and has earned its creator, Richard Gadd, excellent reviews, as well as praise for the way it portrayed issues of harassment and sexual abuse.

The stalker, named Fiona Harvey (the real Martha Scott), denied in the interview with Piers Morgan that she had stalked Gadd in real life. She called him "psychotic" and a "liar". She also made it clear that she will take legal action in the near future.

During the interview, journalist Piers Morgan pressed Fiona about the fact that Gadd claims to have around 41,000 emails from her. She also reveals that she uses four separate phones and says, "I like to keep people on separate phones."

A journalist had already been harassed by her

A journalist discovered the true author of the successful Netflix series "Baby Reindeer" and was harassed by her with intimidating messages.

The harasser, known as "Martha" in the Netflix series, repeatedly called the journalist and left angry messages on his voicemail.

Despite threats of legal action, the real identity of the woman was not revealed, although it is speculated that it could be Fiona Harvey, a Scottish lawyer. Harvey accused the series protagonist of using her story to publicly harass her.

You can read more in the article:

Fiction turned into reality! Real harasser from Netflix series threatened journalist with over 30 messages

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