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What lies behind impatient people? How to overcome it in 1 month

Are you impatient? Anxious? What is behind your impatience and how to learn to relax, in this article....
03-05-2024 20:07

  1. How Impatience Manifests
  2. Impatience is not always negative
  3. How to overcome impatience

If you've entered this article, it means that you are very impatient or have someone close to you who "suffers" from impatience...

Being impatient can bring us all kinds of problems in our daily life: from difficulty sleeping, to arguments with our partner or coworkers.

The impatient person fills themselves with tasks and sometimes doesn't end up completing any, leading to frustration.

Since you are impatient, it's better to go straight to the point without much introduction...

How Impatience Manifests

Impatience can manifest in many ways. Basically, we could say that impatient people:

1. Need to control everything

Impatient individuals need to control their environment and surrounding circumstances.

This generates anxiety or general discomfort because it's impossible to control the world around us.

2. Have little tolerance for frustration

Impatient people need to see results right away! They can't wait and this takes away their serenity.

3. Suffer from great anticipatory anxiety

They are constantly thinking about future situations. The problem is that they don't focus on the present and think about mental problems that probably will never happen.

4. Can't manage time properly

This leads impatient people to miss opportunities, not knowing which tasks to prioritize. This generates a lot of stress because they feel like they have to do many things in a short amount of time.

By the way, to plan ahead, I suggest you also read this article:

10 methods to destress from modern life

Impatience is not always negative

Impatience is not always negative. In some cases, impatience helps us to act quickly in certain situations.

The problem is that, in certain people, impatience becomes chronic, affecting their lives in every way.

For starters, it generates a great deal of anxiety. It may happen that nothing ever satisfies the impatient person, leading to unhappiness.

Wanting immediate results can result in constant disappointment, both in oneself and in others.

Do you identify with any aspect related to impatience? Have you noticed any recurring patterns in your behavior?

I also suggest reading:

How to overcome the fear of the future: the power of the present

How to overcome impatience

Overcoming impatience must be a gradual process that, precisely, requires a lot of patience with oneself.

If these tips I give you do not work for you after 4 or 5 weeks, I suggest seeking help from a psychologist who will assist you.

1. Practice mindfulness:

Yes! I swear that mindfulness is one of the best practices you can do to overcome impatience: I personally was able to overcome my anxiety with this practice.

Look for mindfulness techniques on YouTube, Spotify, etc. They will help you relax and be more present, stop thinking so much about the future.

Breathing is one of the most important keys here.

If you are very impatient, I suggest trying to inhale air into your lungs for 5 seconds and exhale the air for 8 seconds. Do it 5 or 6 times, you will see how quickly you calm down.

2. Set realistic goals:

You need to set more realistic, achievable goals, break them down into smaller steps.

This way you will stay motivated and less anxious about the results.

3. Practice active patience:

Learn to accept that certain things take time and effort. Instead of focusing on waiting, look for ways to make that time productive or enjoyable.

For example, you can dedicate yourself to learning something new (playing the guitar or piano, singing, public speaking), engage in an activity that relaxes you (walking, gardening, listening to music) or simply enjoy the present moment.

It is important to "cut" impatience: any activity that takes you out of your routine, so that impatience is not the driving force of your life.

4. Develop relaxation techniques:

Practice relaxation. I recommend yoga, but you can also meditate or, as I wrote above, try with slower breathing.

5. Identify automatic thoughts:

Observe which thoughts arise in your mind when you feel impatient: write them down on a piece of paper or on the computer. Also write down what led to that thought (how that idea originated) and what feeling it generated.

Once you start identifying these thoughts, you will have to start replacing them with more positive and realistic ones. Believe it or not, it works. It worked for me.

Once again, if you can't calm your anxiety and impatience, I suggest trying with a psychologist who does behavioral therapy, which is the best therapy to address these types of behaviors.

You can keep reading even more with this other article:

10 effective tips to overcome anxiety and nervousness

I hope you overcome your impatience!

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