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The 50 personality characteristics that make someone good

What makes a person good? Certain qualities and character strengths are a good start, but also the way one responds to situations and the negative character traits of others....
24-03-2023 19:13

  1. What makes a person to be considered "good"?
  2. Building good character traits
  3. Character development, a classic example
  4. Traits of mentally strong people
  5. Develop positive qualities and get the same in return

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What are the traits that define a good person? There are certain qualities and character strengths that can be considered as a good starting point to answer this question.

 But it is also important how you deal with different situations and even with the negative character traits of others, as well as how you react to the success of others.

 It is true that human beings have a natural instinct to fend for themselves, which is often labeled as a negative trait.

 However, the way a person behaves in life situations and circumstances, as well as his or her reactions and feelings towards other people and their actions, is equally relevant.

 In short, a person considered good has both positive qualities of character and the ability to face life situations with a great attitude.

 He also cares about relationships with others and respects their actions.

What makes a person to be considered "good"?

 First of all, it is important to understand someone's behavior and personality.

 Broadly speaking, a person's character is based on three main aspects: core values, external behavior and their internal compass.

 Core values represent the basic idea of what you value in kindness and loyalty, but do you actually put them into practice? On the other hand, external behavior, i.e., personality traits, reflect your actions and behaviors in relation to what you value.

 If you actually practice what you say and act in line with your values, then your internal compass defines who you really are.

Here is a list of good, positive character traits that can help you be a "good person":

  • Kindness

  • Comprehension

  • Empathy

  • Compassion

  • Humility

  • Integrity

  • Adaptability

  • Honesty

  • Respect

  • Responsibility

  • Patience

  • Generosity

  • Honey

  • Trust

  • Positivity

  • Courage

  • Perseverance

  • Incentive

  • Correct

  • Considered

  • Leadership

  • Self-control

  • Diligence

  • Disinterested

  • Worker

  • Conscious

  • Pragmatic

  • Warm

  • Strong (mentally)

  • Tempering

  • Thrifty (not wasteful!)

  • Cooperation

  • Fidelity

  • Assertiveness (take the initiative in a good way!)

  • Great listener

  • In depth

  • Equity

  • Loyalty

  • Flexibility

  • Perceptibility

  • Imaginative

  • Ambitious

  • Curiosity (eager to learn!)

  • Eloquence

  • Approach

  • Punctuality

  • Friendly

  • Independent

Here is a brief lesson on some character traits that may be useful to you:

 Kindness, love, empathy and compassion are terms that are similar in definition. In reality, most of the characteristics listed are innate and should have been taught from childhood.

But what about the others?

 Perseverance and patience often go hand in hand.

 It involves waiting for the right time for things and accepting those situations that cannot be changed.

 By working steadily and determinedly, you can wait for each piece to fall into place.

 For example, you may have a yearning to travel to unfamiliar places.

 It is not easy to book flights or hotels immediately.

 Things take time.

 So be patient, persevere and save money while planning your trip! It is also important to think positively and have a pleasant attitude.

 Maybe your dream is to be a teacher, architect or nurse.

 Worthwhile goals are not easy.

 Therefore, you will have to work hard and be patient and perseverant to achieve them.

Building good character traits

 Developing good character traits such as humility, resilience, positive thinking and leadership can be difficult.

 However, it is important to take the core value you want to develop and work on it. It needs to be learned and practiced often.

 For example, it is valuable to analyze how you react to success.

How did you react to a pivotal achievement in the past, such as a school award? Was it an internal reaction of happiness and pride or was it more of a bragging to others?

It is crucial to be humble in the face of success and to recognize a job well done without falling into presumption, as this is key to maintaining positive character traits such as self-control, concentration and curiosity.

 It may be necessary to work on adapting better to change.

In difficult situations, it is important to maximize opportunities and respond appropriately to one's negative traits.

 If you find it difficult to understand or empathize with others, it is valuable to talk to people and try to see their perspective in order to have a more understanding and collaborative attitude.

 It is commonly assumed that women are more empathetic than men, but it is not gender that is important, it is the character traits you practice.

 For example, positive character leaders value honesty, integrity and courage.

 In short, practicing and focusing on positive values is essential to building good character traits.

Character development, a classic example

 Let's look at Neville Longbottom, a character from the well-known Harry Potter saga.

 He had a habit of not fully understanding spells, living in constant fear of Voldemort and never believing he had the ability to help people.

 However, Neville continued to work on himself.

 He knew that his weaknesses could become strengths.

 To summarize, Neville was the hero who defeated Voldemort, not Harry.

 (Not denying the importance of Harry's role, of course, but if you pay attention, you will discover that Neville is the one who saved the day.) He recognized the traits he lacked and believed in his ability to evolve for the better.

 Some examples of character traits he began to practice and hone include bravery, courage, perseverance, patience, and even adaptability.

Good character development is always admirable!

Traits of mentally strong people

Full of gratitude.

Mentally strong people know how to be grateful.

 Instead of focusing on burdens, they count their blessings.

 This positive attitude attracts even more good things into your life.

 You can think of yourself as a magnet: if you have a positive character, you will attract people with similar qualities.

 If, on the other hand, you are negative, greedy or lack empathy, you will attract equally negative people.

 It is important to find gratitude in life and be a positive person to attract people who share those traits.


Mentally strong people embrace challenges. While these challenges can be positive or negative, they are always an opportunity to grow and learn.

 For example, when you are in school, challenging yourself and stepping out of your comfort zone can be a positive thing.

 Not only will you be valued and recognized by your teachers, but the habit of challenging yourself will become a valuable skill for the rest of your life.


Mentally strong people know how to set healthy boundaries.

 They understand that there are toxic people in life and it is important to stay away from them so as not to suffer the negative influences they have.

 These negative people have no moral values or lack positive character traits.

 Mentally strong people know how to handle these situations and whether they set boundaries or eliminate these people from their life, they are always willing to do whatever it takes to take care of their emotional well-being.

Develop positive qualities and get the same in return

It is crucial to keep in mind that, in large part, you become who you surround yourself with, both in friendships and relationships.

 If you seek kind, trustworthy, open-minded friends and value those virtues, it is important that you act in the same way towards them, as they will seek the same in you.

 The same applies to love relationships: if you are looking for affection, consideration and trust, it is important that you also display those good character traits.

Remember: treat others as you would like to be treated.

 If you want people to be a positive influence in your life, you must also act in the same way toward them.

 Being a good person, having most of the virtues mentioned above, will attract positive people who want to be in your life.

 Keep working on your positive traits or those you wish to have.

 If you want to be more compassionate and empathetic, think about how you would feel if you were in someone else's situation.

 Empathy is a virtue that not many people possess, and if you are one of them, you probably have a loving and warm personality, which is admirable.

 The world needs more caring people.

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  • The Illusion of the Perfect Person

    Listening: 'The Illusion of the Perfect Person'" is an important and profound theme that evokes many emotions and thoughts. ?

    In this world, it often feels like we are striving to achieve an ideal of perfection, whether it concerns appearance, abilities, or relationships. The illusion of the perfect person seems to be empowered especially by social media, where other people's lives appear amazing and aesthetically pleasing. This can lead to comparison, insecurity, and even depressing thoughts about oneself.

    ### The Importance of Listening
    Listening is a valuable skill, and it is especially important when we deal with these feelings. ✅ When someone listens to us empathetically, we can feel that our thoughts and feelings matter. Empathetic listening can also help clarify our own thoughts and feelings surrounding the pursuit of perfection.

    ### How to Free Yourself from the Pressures of Perfection?
    1. Be Kind to Yourself: Learn to accept yourself as you are. We are all human and make mistakes. ?

    2. Avoid Comparison: Try to reduce the attention you pay to what you see on social media, and remember that it is not the whole truth. ?

    3. Set Realistic Goals: Improving performance is a good thing, but make sure you set achievable and foolproof goals for yourself. ?

    How does this theme feel for you? Have you experienced pressures regarding perfection? ?✨ It would be great to hear your thoughts!

I am Alegsa

I have been writing horoscope and self-help articles professionally for over 20 years.

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