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Here's how you're secretly self-sabotaging your own success

Are you destined to fail, are you on the wrong track, should you give up and start over with something completely new and different?...
24-03-2023 20:53

  1. 1. Fear of failure
  2. 2. Fear of success
  3. 3. Disconnection from the Authentic Self
  4. 4. Lack of clarity in your core values

Have you ever found yourself in a strange situation where a loud, active voice is screaming, "I can't do it," even though every other part of you is crying out, "Yes, I want it!"?

 You may have set an amazing goal for yourself and are very excited to see it become a reality.

 You're making lists as you move toward achieving that goal, but suddenly negative self-talk sets in, and it comes to stand in your way.

Are you doomed to failure, are you following the wrong path, should you give up and start over with something completely different?

 Let me introduce you to the Saboteur.

You may be asking yourself: What is a Saboteur? Where does he come from? Why would I self-sabotage? My mind is strong!

 There are many reasons why we unwittingly self-sabotage ourselves in the matters we most desire.

 At some point in our quest for self-knowledge, we need to become aware of what we were unable to see before.

 How would we know how to overcome our obstacles if we are unable to glimpse what stands in our way?

 Here are some reasons why we self-sabotage, and how you can regain your self-confidence.

1. Fear of failure

 Since our childhood, we have been inculcated with numerous ideas and myths about success and failure.

 These beliefs were absorbed by our subconscious based on our immediate environment.

 As a result, these negative beliefs and complacency accompany us wherever we go.

 In general, these beliefs are negative and toxic.

 They start as something someone said and then become entangled in our identity.

 For example:

"I'm not good enough."

 "I'm not worth anything."

 "I'm not smart enough."

 "I don't deserve success."

 "I will inevitably fail, as I have always been told."

 Surprisingly, the idea of self-fulfilling prophecies is very accurate.

 If the subconscious constantly tells us that we are not good enough, eventually we will not be good enough.

2. Fear of success

 The fear of success is even more frightening than the fear of failure.

 Although it may sound false and even ridiculous, the truth of this fact is undeniable and is present everywhere we look.

 Often, creative people have great ideas that never come to fruition.

Why constantly turn away from them?

 It could be fear of failure, but it could also be that this fear is masked by a deeper fear of genuine success, because deep down, some individuals may not want to see what this success can bring to their lives.

What do lottery winners often say?

That the success was so sudden and unexpected that they end up spending all their gains and returning to their starting point.

 Despite the specific reasons why success is avoided, there are many psychological reasons why someone may be afraid of positive changes in their life.

3. Disconnection from the Authentic Self

 Self-sabotage occurs when we do not live according to our core values.

 I understand that finding our Authentic Self can be a challenging task, as there is a belief that it is like searching for the mythical Shangri-La, a path filled with uncertainties and doubts that leads us to unknown and uncomfortable places.

Often, living separate from our Authentic Self can generate significant physical, mental and emotional consequences.

 The tendency to self-sabotage arises from our lack of honesty with ourselves, by not being authentic and transparent about who we are and what we really want.

 Knowing our Authentic Self involves a simple task of self-exploration and determining our deepest values.

4. Lack of clarity in your core values

 Values are the compass that guides our path, helping us to understand who we really are and to distinguish our decisions from external influences.

 When we are clear about our values, we can establish precise boundaries and differentiate the voice of our inner judge from that of our inner wisdom.

External judgments do not affect us when we are clear about what we believe in.

 Making decisions is also easier when our core values are present.

 Our values are the foundation that helps us find our way, build healthy relationships and grow professionally.

 Knowing our values is vital to be able to detect our saboteurs and have tools to silence them.

The solution? Know yourself deeply.

 Identify your stagnant thoughts and emotions.

 Look for your saboteurs.

 Once you are clear about your truths, your ideals will resonate strongly and that is what will manifest in your life.

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