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11 ways to better express and cope with your emotions

Many people find it difficult to express their emotions and feelings. We can help you accept your emotions and know how to deal with them....
Author: Alegsa

  1. How to express your emotions to prevent problems
  2. How to express your emotions appropriately
  3. Learn to control your emotions
  4. Honesty, a value to be practiced
  5. Learn to Communicate in a Positive Way
  6. How to control your emotions on your own

Many people have difficulty understanding and accurately expressing their emotions.

 Many are tempted to repress or control their feelings, but this attitude is ineffective, as emotions are complex processes and independent of the will.

 Scientific research has shown that this reaction can have significant consequences on your mental health.

 Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to properly manage our emotions to avoid later problems.

 To achieve this goal there are numerous tools and therapies such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), as well as practices such as mindfulness, among many others.
 It is important to remember that our emotions are an integral part of ourselves, so we must treat them with respect and care.

 This will help enormously not only personally but also socially and professionally.

How to express your emotions to prevent problems

 It is critical to understand that our emotions have a direct impact on our physical health.

 For example, when we experience anxiety; we may be tempted to repress that anxiety and avoid talking about it.

 This repression may manifest as a racing heartbeat, tremors, breathing problems or muscle tension.

 Conversely, if we hold on to these emotions without expressing them adequately, we may develop psychosomatic illnesses, chronic headaches or digestive disorders.

 The key to avoid these complications is to learn to recognize and manage feelings properly.

 To do this, it is recommended to find healthy ways to channel the energy contained in emotions, such as: practicing some physical activity to release accumulated adrenaline; writing diaries or talking to friends and family to release tensions.

 In this way you will be able to better understand your feelings and thus find the peace of mind necessary to lead a healthy life.

How to express your emotions appropriately

Understanding and identifying our emotions are important skills for developing a healthy and happy life.

 Learning to recognize, understand and express our emotions means we can use them as tools to help us navigate the world.

 Below is a summary of these eleven steps so you can begin to put them into practice:

1. recognize physical cues: when something changes in your body as you react to a situation, ask yourself: what physical symptoms am I experiencing? This will help you detect if you are feeling nervousness, fear or anxiety, among other feelings.

2. Pay attention to your thoughts: Emotions are regulated by the limbic system and the central nervous system, so it is normal for them to be difficult to control at first. Take note of the negative or positive thoughts you have related to what happened.

3. Observe your verbal and non-verbal responses: A good exercise can be to become aware of the way you respond to certain situations, including body gestures, tone of voice or words used to express yourself.

Learn to control your emotions

Recognize your response to specific situations: sometimes you may feel that the situation itself is responsible for your nerves, however, the real problem lies in the way you react.

 Observe and evaluate yourself to see if there is a recurring pattern in your behavior; perhaps you feel the same way about not finding an important document or being ticketed for a traffic violation you didn't commit.

 The only way to change things is to act differently.

Express your emotions correctly: after fully understanding the previous point, you can pay attention to how you express your emotions.

 These steps will help you better capture what is going on and accurately signal what you want to convey:

  • Take note of the exact place from where emotions arise.


  • Select colors and textures and assign them to better identify them.


  • Place the mental states in specific places within yourself.


Empathize with yourself: remember that you are the owner and responsible for everything you experience.

 Do not allow anyone or anything to possess you; learn to relate to what you experience from a different point of view.

 Your body reflects what you think, as well as your most intense feelings; explore both worlds to better understand and control them.

Honesty, a value to be practiced

Be honest with yourself and with others: if you really don't feel anything for someone or something, it would be better to avoid trying to make it work.

 Likewise, when you are angry or irritated, speak up to understand yourself.

 Don't hold grudges or negative emotions inside.

Choose the right time to express yourself: In situations where you have to argue with your boss or other important people, it is necessary to choose the right time in order to reach a constructive agreement.

 Consider the situation, the people present and your state of mind before making a decision to start a conversation. Also, feel free to ask for help and lean on those around you who are good listeners to get the best possible outcome.

Learn to Communicate in a Positive Way

Use Pleasant Language and Avoid Conflict: Speaking in a calm tone, actively listening to what the other person is saying, maintaining eye contact, and using simple phrases such as "I'm tired" instead of "What happened at work was so exhausting for me" will help you avoid conflict situations.

 This way it will be implicitly understood that your tiredness is caused by your work activities.

Empower Yourself By Using Your Body To Express Yourself: While explaining how you feel, put your hand over your heart, on your chin or on your stomach.

 This shows the other person that you are experiencing unpleasant emotions and it would be better if you both got out of the situation with mutual agreement.

Identify Your Emotions: You are responsible for controlling your own emotions and feelings without repressing or suppressing them.

 You must express them to soothe both yourself and those around you, allowing for their deep understanding.

How to control your emotions on your own

Often, we are faced with difficult situations that cause us emotional discomfort.

 These may be the result of unpleasant memories, gloomy thoughts or other concerns. In these circumstances, it is crucial to learn to accept feelings as part of our lives and not resist them.

 Accepting ourselves as beings with emotions is the key to knowing what to express and what to keep to ourselves.

 Emotions are the result of thousands of humane evolutionary years and also what makes us unique from the rest of the animal kingdom.

 Emotions naturally arise within us, so it is a matter of allowing them to manifest themselves without constantly fighting them.

 Once we have admitted this, we can try to relax and even distract ourselves with pleasant activities such as talking to friends or going for a walk.

 In case of intensely experiencing negative emotions such as anger, practice sports intensively to release the accumulated stress within yourself.

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