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How to Compensate for Poor Sleep? Experts Respond

Discover how lack of rest affects your health and cognitive functions. Learn to compensate for poor sleep with tips from specialists. Get informed now!...
05-08-2024 16:18

  1. The Sleep Debt and its Consequences
  2. Immediate Effects of a Bad Night's Sleep
  3. Compensating for Sleep Debt: Myth or Reality
  4. Recommendations to Improve Sleep Quality

The Sleep Debt and its Consequences

Lack of rest impacts health in many ways, affecting cognitive functions such as attention, concentration, and memory, which are essential for daily tasks.

We go to bed late, look at our phones before sleeping, or wake up and cannot fall back asleep.

These actions accumulate and form what is known as sleep debt, which is the difference between the hours the body needs to function properly and the hours it actually sleeps.

According to the World Health Organization, around 40% of the population sleeps poorly, which can have significant repercussions on physical and mental health.

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Immediate Effects of a Bad Night's Sleep

Lack of sleep can be compared to being under the influence of alcohol. According to sleep specialist Bijoy E. John, being awake for more than 17 hours can affect cognition similarly to having a blood alcohol level of 0.05%.

This translates into mental fog, bad mood, and an increased risk of making mistakes.

For her part, Dr. Stella Maris Valiensi points out that the symptoms of a bad night's sleep include fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating, which negatively affects productivity and mood.

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Compensating for Sleep Debt: Myth or Reality

Specialists warn that sleep debt cannot be effectively compensated.

Dr. Stella Maris Valiensi explains that while a short nap can help recover energy after a bad night, it is not enough if lack of sleep becomes a chronic problem.

Dr. Joaquín Diez also mentions that although sleeping more on the weekend can provide temporary relief, it does not fully compensate for the sleep deficit accumulated during the week and can disrupt the circadian rhythm.

Recommendations to Improve Sleep Quality

To combat sleep debt and improve rest quality, specialists suggest several strategies:

1. Maintain a regular sleep routine:

Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps regulate the biological clock.

2. Exercise and expose yourself to sunlight:

Regular physical activity and exposure to natural light during the day can improve sleep quality. It is recommended to avoid intense exercise close to bedtime.

Benefits of morning sunlight

3. Eat a nutritious breakfast:

Starting the day with foods that provide sustained energy, such as whole grains and fruits, can help combat fatigue.

4. Use aromatherapy:

Scents like mint and citrus can stimulate the senses and help keep you alert during the day.

5. Sleep hygiene:

Creating a conducive sleep environment, such as reducing light and avoiding electronic devices before bed, is essential for ensuring good rest. Meditation and deep breathing techniques can also be incorporated to facilitate falling asleep.

Sleep is essential for our health and well-being, and it is crucial to adopt habits that promote restorative rest. Although it is not possible to fully compensate for lack of sleep, implementing a healthy sleep routine can make a significant difference in our quality of life.

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