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Social Media: The Hidden Dangers for Children and How to Protect Them

Discover how social media affects children and adolescents: exploitation, sextortion, and cyberbullying endanger their mental and physical health....
16-08-2024 13:51

  1. Beware of the click! The double-edged sword of social media
  2. AI: Ally or Enemy?
  3. Cyberbullying: The Shadow That Lurks
  4. The solution is in our hands

Beware of the click! The double-edged sword of social media

Social media is like a party: there’s music, fun, and the opportunity to meet new people. But, like any party, there are always a couple of characters that can ruin the fun.

Have you ever wondered how safe that "digital party" is for our minors?

Although social media brings benefits, it also hides dangers that can threaten the physical and mental health of children and adolescents.

Sexual exploitation, sextortion, and cyberbullying are like those unpleasant surprises that no one wants at their party.

According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in the U.S., in 2022, over 32 million reports were made regarding content related to child sexual exploitation. Incredible and terrifying at the same time!

How is it possible that this is happening in a place that should be safe?

AI: Ally or Enemy?

The arrival of artificial intelligence seems straight out of a science fiction movie, but in this case, the script takes a dark turn. Cybercriminals find in AI a tool to create false images of minors. Can you imagine?

They take advantage of technology to deceive and manipulate. Financial sexual exploitation through the internet becomes a terrifying reality.

Digital security experts warn that many of these cases come from people close to the victims. How chilling!

The mother who sold images of her own daughters, for example, shows that danger may be closer than we think.

The blame does not fall on the minors, but on those who use their trust to commit atrocities.

Protect your children from junk food

Cyberbullying: The Shadow That Lurks

Cyberbullying is like a ghost that doesn't go away, lurking even outside of school hours. Children who suffer from online bullying face a double challenge: dealing with bullying and, in many cases, with learning problems.

Unicef data indicates that 2 out of 10 adolescents could be victims of cyberbullying.

Can you imagine how devastating that can be for their self-esteem?

And there is another alarming fact: half of the bullied children may become bullies in the future. This creates a vicious cycle that affects the mental health of entire generations.

The role of adults is crucial here. Are we really paying attention to what is happening in our children's digital lives?

The solution is in our hands

The key to facing these challenges lies in education and communication. Experts agree that parents must get involved in their children's digital lives. We need to educate about the responsible use of technology. We cannot leave the door open to a world we cannot control.

Technology should be a tool, not a substitute for human contact. Encouraging play and face-to-face interactions helps build our children's trust and self-esteem. Digital life should not replace real experiences.

So, parents, educators, and adults in general, it’s time to act! Let’s stay alert and support our minors in this digital world. Let’s talk to them, listen to their concerns, and above all, teach them to navigate safely.

Do you dare to be part of the solution?

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