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This is your biggest insecurity, based on your zodiac sign

Here is a summary of your biggest insecurities according to your zodiac sign so that you can work on them and overcome them....
Author: Alegsa


21 March - 19 April

As an Aries, you pride yourself on the fact that most people see you as independent. You like to be the leader, and enjoy people looking to you for advice or comfort. You like to be an "example" to others. One of your greatest insecurities, however, is that you sometimes feel lost, but will never seek advice for yourself. You hide when you are hurt, or need help, because you are supposed to be the voice of reason. Aries, you are a born leader, and you stand out from the crowd like no other. But you, too, struggle from time to time. And it's okay to ask for help when you need it. You give and receive... there should be a balance.


20 April - 20 May

As a Taurus, you are a worry worm. You love to present yourself as an extrovert, spontaneous and spontaneous person. But, security is huge for you. And although outwardly you may seem like the type of person who loves new experiences and a twisted path, you still secretly desire stability in your life. You constantly wonder what's next, or where you should go from here. Your mind is at war with your heart, always doubting whether the choices you make are the right ones. You let it distract you from the moment you are in, because you are too focused on getting to a certain place in life, and you are not even too sure where it is yet.


21 May - 20 June

As a Gemini, you hate the idea of being left out. You are curious by nature, and are constantly dying for the latest drama. You like to be kept in the loop, sometimes you can even be quite nosy. Your biggest insecurity is that once you're out of the loop, you feel abandoned and like everyone suddenly hates you. You want others to like you. And the idea of being forgotten or left alone is an absolutely horrifying thought for you. Gemini, you don't need to know everything about everyone all the time. You don't need to keep up with the latest gossip to feel wanted and loved. People love you no matter what, even if it's sometimes hard to believe.


21 June - 22 July

As a Cancer, you have a big heart, and it breaks very easily. You pour your heart and soul into everyone and everything you love, and you put others before yourself most of the time. You love to spread your passion and positivity with those around you, but sometimes find it difficult to fake it. You are sensitive, and your emotions are constantly heightened and running wild, but you will never let it show. Cancer's greatest insecurity is that they often lose themselves. They are broken inside, but don't let anyone else see it. They keep their feelings bottled up because they are afraid to show their sensitive virtue with others. Cancer, just because you are soft doesn't make you any less strong. You are much stronger than you think you are.


23 July - 22 August

As a Leo, it is a known fact that you have a big ego. To be honest, it's written all over your face. You can be wildly stubborn, and it typically tends to be ALL about you. You like the fact that people see you as very bold, confident and self-aware. You want others to believe that you have it all together, even if you secretly have no idea what the hell is going on. Leo, your biggest and most unfortunate insecurity is that damn ego. Your ego will ruin things for you before you do. Let go of that ego a little, use it to your advantage when necessary, and always stay humble.


23 August - 22 September

As a Virgo, you like things to run smoothly in all facets of your life. The truth is that you are a perfectionist, and that's not always a bad thing either. You like to do things the "right" way, otherwise known as your own way. And you work hard and make sure you do the best job you can, every time. But, your biggest insecurity might be just that. You become overly obsessed with achieving a level of perfection, to the point where you become a bit neurotic. And when things don't go as planned, you can get a little crazy. There is no such thing as perfection, and the more you remind yourself of it, the less difficult it will be to appreciate the hard work you have done. Virgo, always remember that life is messy and flawed, and honestly sometimes it's total chaos. And that's okay. Start living your imperfect life, perfectly.


23 September - 22 October

As a Libra, you constantly worry about whether other people like you. You want to be liked by everyone, which is not possible. Your greatest insecurity as a Libra is that you try too hard to stay in people's good graces. You will do anything and everything to make a good impression and alter someone's view of you to gain their acceptance and approval. Libra, remember that if someone doesn't like you for who you are, they are not worthy of your time. The right people will never want to change the person you are, so hold on to those people and get rid of the rest. They are not worth your time and energy. Worry less about what others think of you, and start worrying about what you think of you.


23 October - 21 November

As a Scorius, you tend to be very secretive. You like to keep your personal life to yourself, and you hate it when people know about the private facets of your life. It drives you crazy. Your greatest insecurity is being exposed, it makes you feel uncomfortable and anxious. Your greatest fear is that someone will judge or humiliate you if they expose these parts of your life. Scorpio, there's nothing wrong with keeping your personal life private, but you can't keep those walls up forever. If someone exposes sides of you they don't like, screw them. Allow yourself to be vulnerable with people. Even if it terrifies you. Even if they don't like what they see. Being vulnerable can be a great thing and anyone who doesn't appreciate that doesn't deserve a place in your life.


22 November - 21 December

As a Sagittarius, you enjoy being the star of the show at all times. You always need ALL the attention in the world. And if you are not the centre of attention, you will somehow find a way to be. Your greatest insecurity is that once the attention is taken away from you, even for a moment, you begin to feel that something has gone wrong and that people must hate you. You let your mind wander and create made-up scenarios that totally convince you that you have done something wrong and are being punished for it. Sagittarius, let someone else be the centre of attention for once. You are someone people look up to as an example, but you don't have to be the centre of attention 24 hours a day.


22 December - 19 January

As a Capricorn, you want to succeed. You crave success and your goals are the first priority in your life. You have set high standards for yourself, which is impressive, but sometimes you take it too far. Your biggest and most exhausting insecurity is that you are too afraid of failure. And even though you put your all into everything you do, you sometimes push yourself too hard without realising it. You can burn out and exhaust yourself without even realising it. You begin to feel less proud of your accomplishments and they aren't good enough if things aren't 100% perfect. Capricorn, you are destined for great things. You will achieve anything and everything you set your mind to, so take pride in those things and appreciate them for exactly what they are, not what you wish they were.


20 January - 18 February

As an Aquarius, you are an independent and adventurous spirit. You are happiest when you can live by your own rules and have the freedom to go where you want. Your greatest insecurity is commitment. It makes your skin crawl. When people start trying to commit to you and you don't feel ready for it, you start to feel extremely uncomfortable. The idea of being tied down terrifies you at times, and sometimes you wonder if it will be possible to overcome it. Aquarius, you are a free spirit, and you have the ability to create a wonderful life that allows you to spread your wings and fly. The compromise part will come when it is supposed to, whether you fear it or accept it. The choice is entirely yours.


19 February - 20 March

As a Pisces, you are someone people feel they can count on. People come to you for advice and guidance, or even as a shoulder to cry on sometimes. Your greatest insecurity is that you feel you will always disappoint the people you love the most. And no matter how hard you try, you always feel that it will never be enough to make someone truly happy. Even the slightest failure makes you feel worthless and you beat yourself up over everything. This insecurity is exhausting and leaves you with an intense desire to be someone else.

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