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Discover your true self, even when it's uncomfortable.

Stop denying who you are and start taking care of yourself. Discover how to achieve your maximum wellness and long-term health - don't miss out!...
Author: Alegsa

  1. The Journey to the True Self: An Experience with Leo
  2. The cycle without pleasing others: how to cut it off
  3. Perhaps you learned as a child to seek the approval of others.
  4. The art of learning to react with others: let's not lose the essence
  5. Balancing the needs of others with our own needs

Have you ever felt lost amidst the chaos of life? Have you ever questioned who you really are and what your purpose is in this world? If so, let me tell you that you are not alone.

 We all go through moments of confusion and self-exploration in our quest to discover our true selves.

 I am Alegsa, a psychologist and astrology expert, and I have helped countless people find their way to authenticity and fulfillment in their lives.

 In this article, I invite you to embark on a journey of self-knowledge and to face the discomfort that sometimes accompanies this process.

 Through my experience as a practitioner, motivational speaking and books, I will provide you with tips and tools so you can embrace your true self and live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

 Get ready to discover the power of knowing yourself and transform your life!

The Journey to the True Self: An Experience with Leo

 In one of my sessions with a Leo patient named Andres, we had an eye-opening conversation about the importance of discovering his true self, even when it was uncomfortable.

 Andres had always been known for his outgoing and charismatic personality, but something inside him told him that this was not the most authentic version of himself.

 During our chat, Andres admitted that he often felt drained by maintaining a constantly cheerful and sociable facade.

 He worried that if he showed his true vulnerability or insecurity, he would lose the respect and admiration of others. However, he also understood that this constant mask was hindering his personal growth.

 I explained to Andres that we all have different sides to us, and it is natural to feel afraid or uncomfortable exploring them.

 But I also reminded him that only by facing those hidden parts could we find true happiness and fulfillment.

 Together we began to work on identifying what aspects of himself Andres had been repressing for fear of being judged.

 As we delved deeper into his emotions and past experiences, more delicate and reflective traits emerged behind his radiant smile.

 We discovered that Andrew had an innate love for art and poetry, but had never dared to explore these passions due to the societal expectations imposed upon him as a Leo.

 As he opened up to these new facets of his personality, he realized that they not only gave him greater personal satisfaction, but also attracted people who were more authentic and in tune with his true self.

 Over time, Andrew became increasingly comfortable showing his vulnerability and sharing his interests with others. Although some people may have been surprised at first, most responded positively to this genuine change in him. He realized that it had been his own fear that had prevented him from being truly happy and connecting with others on a deeper level.

 This experience with Andrew taught me a valuable lesson: the path to our true selves can be challenging and sometimes uncomfortable, but it is fundamental to our personal growth.

 I always tell my patients that there is no need to fear that initial discomfort, as only by facing it can we find our authenticity and live fuller lives.

 So what are you waiting for, choose to discover your true self today! No matter what your zodiac sign is, we all have hidden parts within us waiting to be explored.

 Allow yourself to be vulnerable, embrace your passions and discover how you truly connect with the world.

 I assure you the journey will be worth it.

The cycle without pleasing others: how to cut it off

 Sometimes we find ourselves in an endless cycle of pleasing others, taking on roles that are not authentic to our true selves.

 Denying our true identity can be exhausting.

 At first, it may seem easier to give in to the expectations of others rather than follow our own path.

 However, it is crucial to take responsibility for our health and well-being and create our own opportunities for long-term growth.

 How often do we take a break and focus on ourselves? Often, we confuse the idea of focusing on ourselves with selfishness.

 But isn't it even more selfish to let go of our personal happiness and fulfillment? We need to be open to discovering our weaknesses and imperfections.

 There may be aspects we wish to change, or we may not need to.

 We may also discover traits that make others uncomfortable, and we may need to evaluate whether it is worth making a change.

 Sometimes finding ourselves can be uncomfortable and difficult.

 Personal evolution involves both excitement and pain.

 As we learn about our true identity, we will also discover what we want and need in our lives.

 Perhaps most challenging, however, is discovering who we want to have in our lives.

 It is important to surround ourselves with people who support and accept us as we really are; people who value our authenticity and contribute positively to our personal growth.

Perhaps you learned as a child to seek the approval of others.

 We may have learned from an early age to seek the approval of others in order to feel valued and loved.

 But there comes a time when we need to break this cycle and start being true to ourselves.

 Finding our true selves can be a challenging journey, but with the right support we can get there.

 Don't be afraid to explore who you really are and surround yourself with people who accept you as you are.

 Remember, self-love is fundamental to building healthy and lasting bonds.

The art of learning to react with others: let's not lose the essence

 Discovering how to relate to others without losing our authenticity is quite an art.

 Sometimes, despite our best efforts, the way we are perceived does not match our own vision or that of others. Being authentic implies learning to establish healthy relationships and getting rid of those toxic people who also make us lose our identity.

 However, not all criticism is harmful.

 There are times when we encounter people who challenge us to be a better version of ourselves.

 The idea is not to change to please others, but to evolve to meet our own needs.

 During this process, we must practice patience and accept ourselves as we are, because it will not be easy.

 Knowing ourselves is one of the biggest challenges we will face, but it is a constant challenge as we continue to move forward.

 This path does not have a predetermined destination nor is it about competing with others; it is a personal journey that only we can define.

 Taking control over who we are, where we want to go and how we will get there is in our hands and depends solely on us.

 On this journey of learning to react to others, it is important to remember that each person is unique and has his or her own experiences and perspectives.

Balancing the needs of others with our own needs

 Learning to relate to others involves respecting these differences and seeking a balance between our needs and those of others.

 It is natural to want to be accepted and appreciated by those around us, but we must not lose our authenticity in the process.

 Being true to ourselves will allow us to establish more genuine and lasting relationships.

 It is also crucial to recognize when a relationship becomes toxic or detrimental to our emotional well-being.

 If someone consistently undermines our self-esteem or makes us feel less valuable, we must evaluate whether that person is worth our time and energy.

 On the other hand, it is important to be open to constructive criticism.

 Those who challenge us to grow and improve can be true teachers on our journey to authenticity.

 However, we must always discern between constructive criticism and unfounded negative comments.

 Ultimately, the art of learning how to react to others lies in finding a balance between maintaining our essence and adapting in a healthy way when necessary.

 It is not about changing our identity to please others, but evolving according to our own goals and values.

 Let's remember that this is a personal path, without a fixed destination or competition with others.

 The power is in our hands to define who we are, where we want to go and how to get there.

 With patience, self-love and authenticity, we can build meaningful relationships and live a fulfilling life.

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Aquarius Aries Cancer Capricorn Gemini Leo Libra Pisces Sagittarius Scorpio Taurus Virgo


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I am Alegsa

I have been writing horoscope and self-help articles professionally for over 20 years.

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