Welcome to ALEGSA's horoscope

What you should avoid doing according to your zodiac sign

Find out what you should stop doing according to your Zodiac sign. Read on to learn more....
Author: Alegsa

  1. Aries
  2. Taurus
  3. Gemini
  4. Cancer
  5. Leo
  6. Virgo
  7. Libra
  8. Scorpio
  9. Sagittarius
  10. Capricorn
  11. Aquarium
  12. Pisces
  13. Love and impulsivity: an anecdote

Today, I bring to you an article that will unveil the darker aspects of each sign and give you the keys to avoid falling into the most common mistakes according to your astrological sign.

 As an expert in psychology and astrology, I have had the privilege of working with countless people over the years, helping them to understand their personalities and improve their relationships.

 Based on my vast experience and the real stories of my patients, I have compiled this guide that will reveal to you the behavioral patterns you must avoid in order to achieve a fulfilling and harmonious life.

 Get ready to discover how to avoid the most common mistakes according to your zodiac sign and build a future full of success and happiness!


(March 21 to April 19)

Stop being late

 Stop being late and instead try to leave earlier than usual.

 Not having to rush and apologizing for your tardiness will greatly improve your day-to-day life.


(April 20 to May 20)

Stop apologizing for everything

 While it's good to acknowledge your mistakes, apologizing all the time is completely unnecessary.

 If you find yourself apologizing too often, try to train yourself to reduce the number of times you say "I'm sorry."


(May 21 to June 20)

Stop playing games on your phone

 Yes, technology is everywhere and it controls us.

 However, you should focus on being present when you can.

 So much of life happens when you simply look up from your phone.


(June 21-July 22)

Stop focusing on the negative aspects.

 You may not like the project you were assigned at work, though.

 Or maybe it's too hot today.

 Maybe they put pickles on your sandwich when you specifically told them not to.

 Whatever it is, sometimes things go wrong.

 That's life.

 Focusing on the negative will only taint your day and your mood.

 Instead, try to focus on the positives of your day and enjoy the things that bring you happiness.


(July 23 to August 24)

Stop canceling plans

 While emergencies come up and sometimes you really don't feel well, canceling out of laziness is a poor excuse.

 You don't want to be known as that "flaky" friend, so if you make plans, stick with them.


(August 23 to September 22)

Stop making excuses

 Although it's tempting to keep making excuses, you need to work on owning up to your actions and mistakes.

 It's much more refreshing when you admit your faults than when you make excuses at every turn.

 Be honest with yourself and with others.


(September 23 - October 22)

Stop acting overly sensitive

 You have full autonomy to cry and feel upset whenever you want, however in your life there will be people in your life who are rude, sassy and mean to you.

 Part of life is to let these things go away and move on with your day. You are a strong warrior and you remind yourself of this every time something makes you feel sad.


(October 23 - November 21)

Stop exaggerating

 Sometimes you have a tendency to exaggerate things.

 We've all been there, but overreacting will never solve any of your problems.

 If anything, overreacting will only create more problems.

 The next time you feel the need to blow up, remember that there may be a healthier way to handle a situation.


(November 22 to December 21)

Stop taking everything so seriously

 Life has its ups and downs and in the long run it won't do you any good to take everything so seriously.

 While there are serious moments in life, allow yourself to develop a sense of humor for the little everyday moments.


(December 22-January 19)

Stop obsessing about your appearance

 It's easy to want to always look your best, however don't let your appearance be a major point of insecurity and obsession. You are stunning, radiant and flawless just the way you are.

 Obsessing over your appearance will only make you doubt your amazing natural self.


(January 20 to February 18)

Stop running away from your problems

 Adversity is not for the faint of heart, but it is how we learn and how we grow.

 If you keep constantly running away from your problems, you will never be able to learn to overcome them.

 Give yourself time to address the problems in front of you and learn how to handle them better in the future.


(February 19 - March 20)

Stop always taking the easy way out

 Sometimes decisions come down to "what's easy" and "what's right."

 While you may make the easy decision from time to time, allow yourself to also do "what's right," even if it's a little more difficult.

Love and impulsivity: an anecdote

 In my experience as a psychologist and astrology expert, I have had the opportunity to work with patients of different zodiac signs and help them better understand their love relationships.

 One anecdote that comes to mind is that of an Aries patient who was seeking advice about his relationship.

 This patient, let's call him John, was a passionate, energetic and extremely impulsive man.

 His love relationship was full of emotional ups and downs, and he was constantly in conflict with his partner because of his tendency to act without thinking.

 One day, during one of our sessions, Juan told me that he had had an intense fight with his partner after he decided to spend a large amount of money on a spontaneous trip without consulting her.

 His partner, who was much calmer and cautious, felt neglected and angered by this impulsive action.

 Analyzing his behavior from the perspective of his zodiac sign, I explained to John that his impulsiveness was a typical characteristic of Aries individuals.

 They like to live in the moment and make quick decisions, but this can often lead to problems in relationships, especially when the other person's needs and opinions are not considered.

 I advised John to try to be more mindful of his actions and to take a moment to reflect before making important decisions.

 I suggested that he communicate openly and honestly with his partner, involving her in his plans and listening to her concerns.

 Over time, Juan began to implement these tips in his relationship. He learned to balance his impulsiveness with consideration for his partner's feelings, and gradually began to build a more stable and harmonious relationship.

 This anecdote demonstrates how each zodiac sign has its own strengths and weaknesses in love.

 With an understanding of these characteristics and a willingness to work on them, it is possible to build more satisfying and lasting relationships.

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