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Consuming fresh pear is key to your digestive and cardiovascular health

Discover why the pear is key to your digestive and cardiovascular health: A millennia-old fruit that has enriched European gastronomy for centuries....
18-09-2024 11:42

  1. The History of the Pear in European Gastronomy
  2. Nutritional Benefits of the Pear
  3. Healthy Properties of the Pear
  4. Baked Pear Recipe

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The History of the Pear in European Gastronomy

From the banquets of Persian monarchs, where the pear was a fruit reserved for royal tables, to its arrival in the Ebro basin, this fruit has been present in European gastronomy for centuries.

Originating from Eastern Europe and Western Asia, the pear was introduced into Greek culture and later became popular among the Romans, who played a crucial role in its cultivation and distribution.

Over time, its cultivation spread across much of Europe, becoming a valued and versatile food in the kitchen.

Nutritional Benefits of the Pear

The pear is rich in water, composed of approximately 80% of this liquid and providing only 41 calories per 100 grams, making it an ideal option for those looking to maintain their weight or follow detox diets.

Although it contains little fat and protein, it stands out for its carbohydrate content in the form of fructose, which is suitable for people with diabetes.

Additionally, its nutritional profile includes a moderate amount of vitamin C, small amounts of vitamin E, folic acid, and a significant contribution of potassium, which contributes to cardiovascular health and the diuretic effect of the fruit.

Healthy Properties of the Pear

The pear stands out for its purifying and diuretic properties, helping to eliminate toxins and excess fluids from the body.

Thanks to its ability to dissolve uric acid, it becomes a natural ally in the treatment of conditions such as gout and rheumatism.

Its high fiber content makes it particularly useful for combating constipation and improving digestive health. Additionally, its skin, rich in fiber and flavonoids, enhances these benefits, as it slows down the absorption of sugars and improves blood glucose levels.

Baked Pear Recipe

Baked pear is a delicious way to enjoy this fruit, enhancing its natural sweetness. To prepare this dish, you will need:

- 4 pears, one per person

- Sugar, honey, or syrup to taste

- A touch of cinnamon or spices of your choice

- Ice cream (vanilla or cream are ideal options)


1. Preheat the oven to medium temperature (180°C).
2. Wash the pears and cut them in half, removing the seeds.
3. Place the pears on a baking tray, add a little sugar, honey, or syrup, and sprinkle with cinnamon.
4. Bake for approximately 30 minutes, or until tender.
5. Serve hot, accompanied by ice cream.

This dessert is not only delicious but also makes the most of the nutritional qualities of the pear. Store the baked pears in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, always in an airtight container, and add the ice cream just at the moment of serving to maintain its creamy texture.

Enjoy this exquisite and healthy delight!

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