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The avocado seed: how to eat it and health benefits

Discover the little-known health benefits of avocado seeds and how to make the most of them....
12-06-2024 15:32

  1. First-rate antioxidant action
  2. How to prepare avocado seed tea

We all know the power of avocados, but did you know that the pit also has superpowers? However, many times we throw it away without knowing that it holds incredible healthy secrets.

Don't let its hardness and size deceive you, this brown treasure is the hidden star of avocados. Let's discover it!

Imagine this: you finish eating a delicious avocado and, as usual, you throw away the pit. Well, hold on because this little thing is full of surprises.

First-rate antioxidant action

The pit is a true fighter against free radicals. It contains antioxidants that protect your cells from oxidative damage, delaying premature aging and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In other words, it seriously beats aging!

Anti-inflammatory properties to say goodbye to swelling

The polyphenols in the pit also come to the rescue. These compounds help reduce inflammation in the body, which can be key to preventing diseases such as arteriosclerosis, digestive problems, and diabetes. A kind of all-in-one machine against inflammation.

Protect your body with antimicrobial effects

The acetogenins in the pit have antimicrobial properties, protecting you from bacterial and fungal infections. Literally, it's an army of little soldiers fighting for your health day and night.

How to prepare avocado seed tea

Follow these steps to make the most of all these benefits in a delicious cup of tea:

1. Cleaning and preparation: Remove the avocado pit and wash it well.

2. Drying: Let it air dry for a few days or put it in the oven at low temperature (60°C) for 1-2 hours.

3. Chopping: Break the dried pit into small pieces with a sharp knife or a hammer.

4. Infusion: Boil a liter of water with the pit pieces for 15-20 minutes.

5. Straining and serving: Strain and serve hot or cold. Enjoy!

Make the most of the pit in other recipes

Why stop at tea? Here are some ideas for you!

In smoothies

Wash, dry, and grate the pit. Add a pinch to your favorite smoothie, whether it's banana, strawberries, or spinach, and blend well. All the goodness without altering the taste!

In salads

Grate it finely and sprinkle it as a seasoning over your salads. A nutritious touch that will make any green leaf and nut dish shine.

In soups

Grate or crush the pit and add it to your soups during cooking or at the end. Perfect for broths, creams, or vegetable soups. Your soup has never been so nutritious.

And there you have it! The avocado pit is no longer the forgotten waste, but a nutrition hero ready to give your diet a healthy boost. Are you ready to try any of these ideas?

Share your experience with us!

Want to eat something delicious to live longer? I'll tell you in this article:How to live over 100 years by eating this delicious food.

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