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The Libra woman in bed: what to expect and how to make love

The sexy and romantic side of the Libra woman revealed by sexual astrology...
15-07-2022 12:53

  1. Romantic at heart, she pursues physical sensations in bed.
  2. Very analytical and easily bored in bed.

Librans are intellectual, like the other Air signs of the zodiac. Therefore, for them sex is something that must be filtered through the mind.

When between the sheets, the Libra woman first assesses her own needs and those of her partner, and then satisfies them.

She loves pillow talk and seductive foreplay. The Libra woman aims for nothing less than perfection in her love life.

She is an expert lover and appreciates when her partner is generous and attentive. Beautiful and feminine, this woman is also sensual and sensitive.

You will recognise her among the others because she has pink lips and accentuated curves. She is romantic and at the same time strong.

Also, he does not fall in love easily. As a good judge of character and situations, he will tell you the truth in a way that is neither offensive nor aggressive. He seeks affection more than anything else.

Romantic at heart, she pursues physical sensations in bed.

In bed, the Libra woman makes her partner feel that she is the best in the world. But this means she needs someone who is experienced in the art of lovemaking.

In fact, she only likes men who know how to act in bed. She is a woman who needs a strong partner. She likes to be in control when making love and has a harmonious style.

It's not easy to get close to her, but once you have, there will be nothing to stop you both from enjoying the best time of your lives.

Libra women have high standards when it comes to their partners in bed, especially if the relationship is serious. She considers sex to be not only physical, but also mental.

She likes to be romanced and lets things anticipate when she is in the bedroom. Knowing how to control her body, you'll feel like you're flying when you make love to this lady.

You will be seduced by their beauty and go places no one has ever been before. With a natural charm, Libra women are among the most beautiful in the zodiac. They turn heads wherever they go and don't need to make any effort to attract men.

Sociable and friendly, the girl of this sign will have many friends with the right to friction.

She likes to be overwhelmed by her partner with small romantic gestures, such as a whisper in the ear or a kiss on the neck.

In the bedroom, she likes cuddling, kissing and oral sex. Don't hesitate to offer her long foreplay. She is more a girl for lovemaking, not for sex.

You need to pay a lot of attention to her if you want to keep her happy with her sex life. Compliments and small gifts will make a big difference in the way she cares about your relationship.

Libra women become attached as soon as a physical encounter takes place and tend to become possessive of their partners, even if they have a large circle of friends.

Passion is nothing new to her. She will do her best to know that her relationship is complete and satisfying.

Don't be afraid to suggest to your Libra to try new things in the bedroom. She is open and has a wild side that occasionally reveals itself to her partner.

She may be the one to suggest that you get naked and tie each other up. Don't be surprised if she is the one who has this idea. She is a woman who has no inhibitions about her body. She is the type who runs around the house naked.

Very analytical and easily bored in bed.

Although she likes to play the role of the hard-to-please woman, she is actually easy to handle. Her sex drive is known to be very strong, along with that of the Aries woman.

If you are married to a Libra, you should consider yourself lucky, as she loves sex more than any other sign of the zodiac.

Librans are known for their good taste and their desire to possess high quality artistic goods. When courting the Libra woman, give her gifts like expensive perfumes and beautiful paintings. She will also see how sophisticated you are and decide to stay with you for a while.

Once you have established a relationship with her, she will become fiery and passionate in bed. Teasing and being teased is one of her favourite things to do in bed.

The signs with which he is most compatible in bed are Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini and Aries.

She loves to have her buttocks touched and to have sex in doggy style, as the buttocks are one of her most erogenous zones.

If you know how to keep up with her, the Libra woman will give herself to you completely. She hates violent people and needs a lover who understands and feels her. This is because she often does not express what she feels.

Someone experienced and intuitive would be ideal for her.

She will suffer if you fail to satisfy her as a sexual partner, but she will not say anything about what she would like you to do.

She will be afraid of being insulting and will think you no longer care about her because you have no idea how to make her happy.

When you are engaged in foreplay, she will examine your every move and technique to see if you want her as much as she wants you.

She has an analytical mind and will take every opportunity to study you further. In case she gets bored with you at some point, she will be polite to let you know her feelings.

You will have to be imaginative with her in bed or she will definitely get tired of the same routine and look for someone else. If you can, set up some mirrors around the bed.

One of her favourite things to do is to look at herself in the mirror when she has sex. She doesn't like vulgarity or overly emotional people.

Seduce this feminine, open-minded and intelligent woman with your manners and your social standing. She is an achiever herself, so you will have to prove yourself worthy of her. She will not teach you how to make love, as she likes more experienced men.

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Today's horoscope: Libra

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