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Libra's soul mate: Who is your life partner?

The complete guide to Libra compatibility with every zodiac sign....
15-07-2022 12:39

  1. Libra and Aries as soul mates: A battleground
  2. Libra and Taurus as soul mates: A sophisticated combination
  3. Libra and Gemini as soul mates: Emotional reactions
  4. Libra and Cancer as soul mates: Peaceful coexistence
  5. Libra and Leo as soul mates: A life of riches
  6. Libra and Virgo as soul mates: It's in the small details
  7. Libra and Libra as soul mates A passionate union
  8. Libra and Scorpio as soul mates: A nemesis for each other
  9. Libra and Sagittarius as soul mates: A match made in heaven
  10. Libra and Capricorn as soul mates: Stability at its finest
  11. Libra and Aquarius as soul mates: A surprising but harmonious couple
  12. Libra and Pisces as soul mates: A creative and romantic union

The Libra native is romantic and dreams of meeting an enchanting companion who will save him or her from the horrible jaws of loneliness. Yes, their way of thinking is not unlike that of a fairy-tale adventure, where magical events are a thing of the present, not the past, where love is chimerical, dreamy and perfect. Being so carefree, it is obvious that they need someone to look after them, and bring them down to earth.

This native possesses one of the most generous and kind personalities of all the other zodiac signs.

You know what else is a waste of time? Trying to hide things from a Libra native, and we're talking about their feelings and emotions. It's a futile effort, because they will quickly realise that things are going wrong with the help of their highly developed intuition and crazy instinct.

Libra and Aries as soul mates: A battleground

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Confidence and reliability ❤

Common values ❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

These two have quite opposite characters and personalities. One prefers to have a more hands-on approach and take things into his own hands, often impulsively, while the other waits patiently and looks at all the factors that need to be taken into account.

The Aries, being the impetuous one, could calm down a bit and loosen up the petrol he has been consuming so far.

In turn, the Libra native could take some of his or her partner's visceral enthusiasm and take the bull by the horns, intensifying the game.

Both Libra and Aries are in love with the taste of victory, and the feeling of overcoming the competition in a tough battle is the best.

But, while the Ram seeks to find confirmation of their skills and abilities, the Libra lover has a more moral and humanitarian scope in mind. Thus, they want everyone to find benefit in their actions.

And, if possible, all parties involved should come away from the battlefield with something, not just a sense of bitter defeat.

While Librans want to do everything by the book and respect imposed rules and regulations, so as not to disturb the status-quo, Aries lovers are the least concerned with all these boring and tedious elements.

They just want to go all out and go for it. Is that so hard to do? However, these differences will make it very difficult for them to come together, unless, of course, they manage to connect on the most intimate levels.

Libra and Taurus as soul mates: A sophisticated combination

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

Now, Librans and Taureans are quite sophisticated and noble in their passions and tastes, being very interested and enthusiastic about the great culture of the world, as well as artistic endeavours, such as painting, sculpture, etc.

This creates a common bridge to walk on, during which you will get to know each other better, find more similar things that connect you and move to the next level. In fact, it is only a matter of time before they fall in love.

These two are under the watchful eye of the planet Venus, also the goddess of love and romance. What does this really mean?

For it means that Taurus and Libra are two people who will either love each other until the end of time, with voracious passion and intense feelings, or they will feel nothing at all.

They also like to arrange their homes in a way that reflects their feelings and love for each other, which is not so surprising.

A balance has to be struck, otherwise things will not last much longer than a few months at best. That is, each of them has to give up some expectations and make some compromises for the sake of the relationship.

Either the Libra takes the tendency to control in stride and lets their partner have their private life, or the Taurus learns to live with their partner's laziness.

Libra and Gemini as soul mates: Emotional reactions

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤

Libra and Gemini are two natives who will easily understand each other at a glance, simply because they have so much in common, and have roughly the same mentality, principles and outlook for the future.

Conflicts and arguments are unlikely to arise, and if they do, they will soon settle down and return to normal. Being intellectually similar, they are united by more than just common routines or emotional reactions.

The Gemini partner is someone who prefers to have a healthy and efficient social life, just so that they can flaunt their intellectual prowess and vast store of knowledge, while the Libra lover is a naturally sociable and communicative individual who desires nothing more than to engage in fun and exciting conversations.

Moreover, these two are matched in their love of travel and exploration of unknown and unique places on the planet. This gives them an indescribable sense of happiness, satisfaction and pleasure that few things can match.

There will be times when they will be beset by all sorts of problems that will destroy their unity and put them to the sword, but nothing can completely break the bond that holds them together.

As Geminis have a dual character, they can easily deal with paradoxical and illogical situations that would otherwise make others frown.

Libra and Cancer as soul mates: Peaceful coexistence

Emotional connection ❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤❤

Libra and Cancer have a lot to learn from each other, because they have a sentimental inclination towards each other.

And they will put a lot of emphasis on discovering their inner self, observing and analysing every motivation, desire and attitude of the partner, in order to better assimilate the beneficial things.

The Moon and Venus coexist peacefully in the night sky, making it incredibly pleasant and enjoyable for these two natives to be together.

While the Cancer lover tends to focus on their self-development and inner feelings, the Libra partner will always try to extend their attention also to the well-being of others, an innate trait in them, obviously.

These distinctions are not really problematic, because they can complement each other's missing points.

Both have traits of their own that make them attractive, interesting and charming, and discovering the things they share together will deepen the bond even further than usual.

Librans really enjoy their partner's fun side, and can take advantage of it to a great extent, turning on the mood whenever necessary. At the same time, the Cancer is an expert observer and can teach their lover a few tips and tricks.

Libra and Leo as soul mates: A life of riches

Emotional connection ❤❤❤

Strong Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤❤

The Libra-Leo couple are the individuals you will see spending their time living the life that everyone desires, filled with countless luxuries and objects of desire, with comfort and personal satisfaction being a great motivator for them.

Generally optimistic and with a bright outlook on the future, these natives share everything without letting the slightest thing slip through their fingers. The Leo lover wants to be cared for and indulged, while the Libra lover provides exactly that with a smile on their lips. Could things be any more perfect?

One thing that holds them together is their deeply caring and generous personalities, albeit with different motivations.

The king wants to demonstrate his great strength and status, while having plenty of time and effort to spare, and his balanced queen is guided by her unwavering principles of justice and morality.

The most admirable thing about all this is that they do not fight for control at all, at least not on the surface. Behind the curtains and in the shadows, a lot of things are sure to get done thanks to their invisible interference. But the Leos don't realise that, so it's OK.

And even if they realise that they have been led like blind sheep, they cannot get angry and usually get over it fairly quickly.

One of the reasons is the fact that they complement each other perfectly, even from this point of view.

The Libra is the initiator, the one who takes the starting position and goes halfway, while the Leo is there to support and continue to the end, where victory awaits.

They understand each other perfectly, and so their relationship will be realised on many levels, not just the intimate one.

Libra and Virgo as soul mates: It's in the small details

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

This can become a great match, if both make some sacrifices and give in to their primal compulsions, speaking of Virgo's predisposition to be too frank and direct, while Libra expects the other to take full responsibility.

If you take care of these little things, and such situations do not arise, you will be able to fully live the dream of a sublime and amazing relationship.

Both seem to have been born to be lovers, in a romantic sense, in the sense that each is specially constructed with a certain sense to target exactly what might affect the other to the maximum degree.

It is as if they can see precisely what his or her hidden desires and wishes are. Moreover, Librans are artists at heart, and seek to find beauty and aesthetic brilliance in everything around them, so their partner will naturally please them.

Now, the disadvantages and shortcomings these two have, which can create some small problems, temporary or otherwise. Firstly, Virgo's tendency to say exactly what is on his mind may be a little too harsh for Libra's sensitive ears.

At the same time, the Virgo can't stand it when their partner refuses to live in the present and take responsibility. They feel lost, unloved and unappreciated, something that should never happen to anyone, ever.

Libra and Libra as soul mates A passionate union

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤

If having a Libra as a partner was already a big step towards a perfect relationship, given their boundless love, their understanding nature and even their character, what would happen if you put two of them together?

Absolute and absolute happiness, that's what would happen. They both function on an intuitive level, and being in perfect balance with each other, it is really difficult for them to become destabilised and out of sync. It's easier to hit the lottery than to bring these natives down when they combine their powers.

Artist to the core, Librans have learned to appreciate and aspire to the luminous side of life, to the beautiful and hypnotic.

This principle and passion has guided them throughout their lives in the form of cultural interests, a sharp and unique view of life and, last but not least, imagination and colourful intuition that acts as a cathartic point of view.

Moreover, communication is one of their strengths, and always has been. Often, if you start a conversation, they instantly take you by the hand and lead you into unknown realms of hidden knowledge and new and fascinating things.

Librans are intrinsically bound to each other by a bond so strong that not even the most destructive cataclysms could hope to break it. And this bond is based on absolute loyalty, devotion, love and affection.

They will fight for their partner with reckless abandon, struggling with every breath to deal with every possible problem, so that nothing can damage or wipe the smile off their face.

Libra and Scorpio as soul mates: A nemesis for each other

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

This is a relationship in which the Libra native will have to be pampered and taught a lesson, or maybe even a few, who knows?

The fact is that the Scorpio is aware of their partner's inner struggles for balance, and at the same time the Libra comes with their optimistic and luminous outlook on life, which helps to alleviate some of their lover's dark views.

The king of the desert fears nothing and does not admit defeat, even when he is completely surrounded and has no chance of escape. They manage to complement their partner's lack of confidence and determination, while continuously searching for their ideals.

These two partners often enter into contradiction and conflict, which does not bode well for their relationship, but over time they begin to discover more and more of themselves. This cancels out the previous problems.

Again, it seems that these two were created as a nemesis for each other, especially when it comes to Scorpio. Thus, Librans are so mesmerising and charming, that even the Hulk would have to think twice before trying to "smash" them in one of his rages.

How is it then that their partner seems not only to resist their seductive charms, but apparently treats them as non-existent and even annoying, if the situation continues? One of the mysteries that makes them who they are, clearly.

Libra and Sagittarius as soul mates: A match made in heaven

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

The Archer and the Libra form one of the most compatible couples. With their fresh outlook, bright perspectives and intriguing intellect, along with their loving, tender and caring personalities, the two have a happy and exciting life.

But they share more than psychological predispositions. One of the few things that unite people, realistically, is the similarity of traits, ideas, principles and so on. This is the case too, especially in how affectionate the Sagittarius lover can be when he or she is truly in love.

Ah, we had almost forgotten that they are also very fond of humanitarian ideas and changes, and will not hesitate to get involved if such a prospect appears.

Of course, they will first find the opportunity to discuss it in depth, even debate it, to see if it is something worth investing time in or not.

Another of the many things they have in common is a predisposition to extreme honesty, or at any rate to cut-throat honesty, but that is another story.

As neither of them is angry with the other, everything is fine. And anyway, they will make up for it all with work, affection and compassion.

Libra and Capricorn as soul mates: Stability at its finest

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

The relationship formed by the Libra-Capricorn couple can only be described as extremely stable, and based on deep trust, loyalty, devotion and great affection.

They will stop at nothing to satisfy their mutual desires, and any problem or obstacle that stands in their way will meet its proper demise, in time, or at that very moment.

Moreover, for the one who takes the reins, the Goat has no problem with his or her partner making all the decisions.

On the one hand, we have Libra, who, being born under the auspices of Venus, the goddess of beauty and art, is enamoured of seeking what is most pleasing and satisfying to the senses, the epitome of beauty.

On the other hand, there is the Capricorn lover, who wants nothing but the best and highest quality things in life.

Combine the two, beauty and sophistication, and you have a long journey ahead that will take them to unknown lands, full of opportunities and also great dangers. An opportunity to deepen the bond between them, obviously.

For this couple to make it out of the test chambers and into the real world, surviving amidst the dangerous waves of the unjust world, these two must find a balance in themselves. They must treat each other with respect, devotion and the equality they both desire and expect.

Libra and Aquarius as soul mates: A surprising but harmonious couple

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤❤

Maximum imaginative drive and artistic ingenuity. This is what this couple basically is. With the Sun shining overhead, its rays fall upon these two unceasingly, bringing with them new powers of understanding and a heavenly aura of intellectual fervour.

Thus, the creative potential is doubled, if not tripled, which translates into a successful love life and intimate connection.

As for possible misunderstandings and conflicts, they do happen, but they are quite rare, as Librans never overreact or let their temper get the better of them.

Both are very communicative and open with each other, and this is doubled by their mutual respect and affection.

How could you get bored of someone who always brings something new and exciting to the table? Quite simply, it's absurd to think that could happen.

After all, they are both in love with each other's intellect and depth of mind, so they are aware of every thought and emotion going on around them.

Although there will be times when they will have to contradict each other, out of necessity or simple desperation, it usually doesn't last long before one of them gives up and tries to defuse the situation. Or both of them might try at the same time.

Libra and Pisces as soul mates: A creative and romantic union

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

As it has been a long time since we have seen a real romantic and loving couple, it was time to introduce these two love birds.

Librans and Pisces were born of a pearl of the sea, surrounded by mermaids and the crystal waters of the river of love. They must have literally bathed in those waters, otherwise no one could explain how they can love so deeply and with such passion.

Nothing escapes them, and they show their affection in the most interesting and unexpected ways.

You know the saying that it's the little things that matter the most? Well, guess what? It couldn't be truer, and the Pisces lover's partner takes full advantage of this opportunity to deepen their bond to unfathomable levels.

Moreover, it can be said that these boys have fallen in love with love itself, because they can no longer live without this feeling arising in their hearts.

They will always feel affection and compassion for each other, even when distance, obstacles, conflicts or other people keep them apart. Nothing can hope to break the romantic bond of this couple.

They have so many traits and values in common, it is hard to believe that these people do not generally seek each other out, and instead somehow end up being unhappy with someone they do not love.

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Today's horoscope: Libra

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