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Don't fall in love with a Libra

Don't fall in love with a Libra because they are the hardest to get over. They are the love story that will compare with all others....
20-05-2020 13:12

Don't fall in love with a Libra because they are the hardest to get over. They are the love story that will compare with all the others. New standards you didn't even know existed suddenly come to life before your eyes.

Don't fall in love with a Libra because they don't fight, they are the type of people who want to work at everything. They are good at pretending things are fine because they don't like to cause trouble. They are fixers and will adapt to what you need before they demand anything from you.

Even when you hurt a Libra, they will not retaliate. They will not speak ill of you. They will just try to move on as best they can by wishing you well.

Don't fall in love with a Libra because they will respect and care for you and will always try to put a smile on your face if they can. They care more about the happiness of others than their own.

They will be the morning text you get used to. They will be the conversation that makes you laugh out loud at your desk. They will be the best part of every day.

Don't fall in love with a Libra because they will always see the best in you. Even when you screw up and are not happy with the person you are at the moment, they will remind you of who you really are.

Don't fall in love with a Libra because they will accept every side of who you are. Even the bad parts. They will come into your life when everyone else is gone and they will sit with you through every storm. In time, you will realise that your hope includes them forever and that scares you.

Don't fall in love with a Libra because once you realise that you can trust each other, your bond is forever and you will go through life without remembering what it was like without them.

Don't fall in love with a Libra because they will make you better than you ever thought you could be. They will be all the best memories you have, the best laughs, company when you don't want it and your number one fan.

Don't fall in love with a Libra unless you agree to let them be the centre of attention. Because every room they walk into, all eyes will be on them. But they will hold your hand and while everyone is looking at them, they will be looking at you too.

Don't fall in love with a Libra because they are present people. They will always try to move forward and never want to let you down, even if they have a hundred things going on, they will figure out how to be where you need them to be.

Don't fall in love with a Libra because even before you realise you love them, the words "I love you" will roll off your tongue and terrify you. But their natural charm is what will get you.

Don't fall in love with a Libra unless you are ready to be really protective of someone. They tend to see the best in everyone, so they give too many chances. And it will hurt you to see them hurt by others being this kind of giver of chances. You will see things they don't see in others and when you try to explain it they won't understand. They like to believe that everyone's motives are kind and genuine like their own.

Don't fall in love with a Libra because it will be your best and most genuine love story, the one you look back on whether it worked out or not and be thankful you had someone like that to love.

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Today's horoscope: Libra

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