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Libra's sexuality: Libra's essentials in bed

Sex with a Libra: facts, strengths and weaknesses...
Author: Alegsa

  1. Exquisite taste for everything
  2. Ready for the challenge

Among all the other signs of the zodiac, a Libra needs to feel secure in a relationship and believe that all will be well, no matter what the danger.

What gives others an adrenaline rush and boosts their morale will most likely terrify and make a Libra feel sorry they were born. That's how they hate conflict and disorder.

When it all goes down the drain, this native will leave everything as it is and leave town, or lose his head, which there is also. One needs a comfortable and friendly environment to thrive and develop, and so does a Libra, even more so than the rest.

Ruled by their sovereign planet, Venus, Libra natives are naturally endowed with a supernatural beauty and attractiveness that seems to win over even the most insensitive among us.

They are sometimes perceived as deceptive and manipulative thanks to that beauty of theirs, a stereotype, obviously, that can steal the show and grab everyone's attention in a split second.

As their name suggests, Librans tend to have a rather peculiar view of the world, in which everything has to be, or should be, in balance.

For an intimate relationship to thrive, a balance between three main elements is necessary: comfort, in the sense that things should go smoothly and without conflict, attractiveness and, finally, stability.

The latter is basically the most important, because without it, a Libra will feel lost and in a continuous state of doubt and worry.

As they are very responsible and confident in the decisions they make, it would be a tremendous shock for them to discover that the partner is not sufficiently reliable.

Very sexually active and curious in general, these natives tend to develop a strong sense of their sexuality in adolescence, and as a relationship is essential to them, the lack of one brings despair and grief.

Normally, a Libra will always be with someone, and if a break-up occurs, within a couple of months or so, another person enters the picture.

Without someone to trust and love, nothing works as it should for these individuals, no matter how hard they try.

In order for their sexual appetite to be fully awakened and lustful behaviour to be revealed, it is very necessary that they sleep well and relax.

A tired Libra is no good for anything, least of all lovemaking. However, if they are fresh and ready for action, things will get very hot very quickly, and it looks like everything will be blissful.

Evidently, Librans do not attach so much importance to sex as the singular goal of a relationship.

It is more of an add-on, rather than a culmination of the bond. What really matters to them is knowing that their partner is always there to support them emotionally and help them whenever they need it. More than a lover, the other should be a confidant and a very close friend to them.

Physical features, especially the face, are very "interesting" and "intriguing" to a Libra. Don't be surprised when you realise that your partner has been staring at you non-stop for the last 10 minutes.

This is how they peek into your soul and bond even more with you. On the contrary, accepting and embracing this passionate and affectionate side of you can only bring benefits.

Exquisite taste for everything

Pretending to do or think something is a sure way to kill yourself when trying to woo a Libra native. This is something they deeply despise in people, falsehood and deception.

Why not act natural and let the other person get to know you for who you really are? After all, that's what really matters, not the fantastic fairy tales you spout on a date to impress them. So take a breath, keep it simple and let them take the initiative and go deeper.

It is said that one of the best ways to capture a Libra's attention, and most likely to enrapture them, is to exploit their vulnerability to sweet smells.

A bouquet of flowers, the smell of pineapples in autumn, the scent of a manly perfume, are all possible aphrodisiacs for our balanced individuals.

Moreover, one cannot only have a superior appreciation of scents and fragrances without also being sophisticated in taste.

The most expensive and exotic food truly puts the nail in the coffin and concludes the deal. This Libra is now completely yours, nothing can ever change that again.

It is a popular belief that these natives are among the most difficult to conquer and persuade, and in reality this is not so much a myth as a fact.

This is because everything has to be perfect, or almost perfect, i.e. one decimal place away from perfection.

Whether it's the way your tie hangs around your neck, or a stain on your trousers, the way you held her hand the other day, all these things matter and can spell doom if she gets too caught up in the details.

However, Libra men tend to like to be in the role of the hunter, so allow them a little sport in the beginning, as it helps to build up their ego a little.

They are so afraid of conflict and of making a scene that, when they try to mediate, lies may be necessary. That is, well-placed lies and manipulations.

And this can give rise to often biased perceptions about our peaceful individuals, namely that they are deceitful and used to lying, which is totally untrue.

Or at least it is not true in the proper sense of the word. The goals are good, but the means are a bit unfair, but then, what is really fair?

Making a decision and sticking to it is another problem Librans have to deal with. And this is not difficult for them, but for their partners.

Not knowing what the other wants or thinks is a very big problem, one that seems to have no escape. Communication is the key here.

Ready for the challenge

When they're not in a couple, Librans will get their share of action, so don't be afraid of that. Naturally handsome and seductive, how could they not?

They wouldn't say no to a chance to have a good time, that's for sure. However, when they are in a relationship, things change drastically, for the better.

Unwilling to deceive in any way, these natives are the epitome of devotion and love. No one can shake their affection and principles.

If you thought you could fulfil all your dreams and fantasies with this native, put it aside, there is basically no chance of that. Everything will be kept at a casual, traditional and classic pace.

Librans make the best couple with Aquarians. Things can't get any better than this. Both are very attractive and lustful people, so letting off steam is not a problem, far from it.

Moreover, because of all the little things that connect them, all the similarities and common thoughts, their relationship is basically indestructible and goes on forever, against all odds.

To make it all better, nothing is left unsaid, even kinky desires and sexual fantasies. Putting all this into practice takes time, but time is the last thing on these guys' minds.

As in all other things, Libra natives prefer it stable, calm and unhurried. Yes, you know what I mean.

If the partner tends to be more aggressive and hasty, and even worse, someone who just fakes everything, they are immediately deflated.

The usual enthusiasm and sharpness disappears like Houdini, in an instant. So it's best to avoid them if you fall into any of these categories.

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  • What are the gestures or words with which a Libra woman can express her love for the Capricorn man today?

    A Libra woman generally seeks a loving and balanced relationship, so it is important for her to make her partner feel her love and care. Some gestures or words that a Libra woman can use to express her love for a Capricorn man:

    1. Listening: The Libra woman is inclined to listen and care for her partner. Actively listening to the thoughts and feelings of the Capricorn man can be very important to her.

    2. Understanding: The Libra woman is willing to understand the Capricorn man's point of view and feelings. By accepting and respecting these, she proves to him that they are important to her.

    3. Loving gestures: A gentle hug or a surprise kiss can be effective ways for a Libra woman to express her love.

    4. Outstanding attention: The Libra woman often pays attention to small details, so if she pays attention to the Capricorn man's needs and desires, it can be very impactful.

    5. The power of words: A sincere "I love you" or an encouraging message can mean a lot in a relationship.

    It is important to note that everyone expresses and accepts love differently, and understanding each other's languages can help to promote this the most!

I am Alegsa

I have been writing horoscope and self-help articles professionally for over 20 years.

Today's horoscope: Libra

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