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Libra children: What you need to know about this little diplomat

These children are compassionate souls with a gift for resolving arguments and a strong distaste for disorder....
15-07-2022 13:08

  1. Libra children in a nutshell:
  2. The little diplomat
  3. The baby
  4. The girl
  5. The child
  6. Keeping them busy at playtime

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The zodiac sign of Libra is for those born between September 23rd and October 22nd. Children born with this sign tend to always be calm, sensible and responsible.

One thing they need to be taught from an early age is to see things as they are and not to ignore the harshness of the outside world. Otherwise, Libra children may grow up ignoring reality.

Libra children in a nutshell:

1) They have a reputation for adorableness, for which they are often complimented;

2) Difficult times will come from your fear of the unknown;

3) The Libra girl loves to put a smile on the face of her loved ones;

4) The Libra child will be an ace at socialising and getting along with everyone.

Libra children are famous for their adorableness, so you may often receive compliments on how beautiful and cute your baby is. Due to their nature, you can expect little or no tantrums while raising them. One of their biggest flaws is their indecisiveness and the worst thing you can do is to rush them into making a decision.

The little diplomat

Due to their indecisive nature, they may appear to be a little stubborn.

The truth is that they tend to get lost when they are over-tasked. The best way to get them to do something is to assign them one task at a time to avoid confusion.

Rushing them to finish something is not advisable either, as it freezes them up. Your best options are patience and a warm and understanding tone to teach them how to overcome their problem.

Try to use the power of repetition and example. After all, practice makes perfect. Show them the most effective method of solving a problem as many times as possible and eventually they will get the hang of it.

The thing about Libra children is that they require much more reassurance and patience than other babies.

Forceful tones don't do them any good, so next time your Libra has a bad time, keep your cool. It's their way and they can't help it.

Their doubts are mainly due to their desire to be fair, practical and efficient. Hence, they end up over-thinking and over-analysing everything.

One thing you may notice very early on is how often Librans stop in their tracks to rest. This usually happens because the rest of the time they move around too much. Of course they are very energetic, but their stamina has its limits.

It is a compassionate soul that you will breed, so you will often find that they bring peace to a room full of conflict, simply by their bright and warm presence.

They also have a knack for resolving arguments, as they tend to understand where both sides are coming from. Sometimes they can even initiate a conflict themselves. They simply despise it when someone makes a superficial retort without seeing both sides of the coin.

Their code of justice obliges them to side with the truth. Of course, it may take some time before that truth is unearthed, as they cannot reach a decision before they have analysed everything, but once that happens, they will defend it to the end.

Intimacy is of great importance to a Libra child, so make sure you don't break this moral of theirs and you can expect the same in return.

You won't have to worry about cleaning their room as often. As they dislike mess and disorganisation, they will clean it themselves most of the time.

You will notice that your child may have a strong attraction to the artistic side of life. It's proof of the great romantic in them.

The baby

Libra babies are gifted with a brilliant mind and a fair heart. They love harmony and serenity, but their patience requires a bit of work, as they end up getting angry quite easily because of constant brooding.

Their intelligence makes it easy for them to learn almost any subject and they learn it surprisingly quickly. Sometimes they will seem too intelligent for their age. They can often appear stubborn and even rude because of their difficulty in accepting superficial statements.

Although they can communicate and get along with others, this must be done according to their rules, otherwise they tend to get upset with all the effort.

Their personality can become volatile from time to time, especially in times of distress. When things get too difficult, they isolate themselves in their own bubble until things calm down.

As toddlers, Librans tend to either love nap time and sleep or simply refuse to close their eyes. There is not much middle way.

Their stubbornness also carries over into their opinions. If something doesn't go their way, the mommy dearest is sure to get a headache to show that she is aware of the baby's dissatisfaction.

The girl

Libra girls tend to be the photogenic type, with their beautiful looks. They also have a highly developed emotional side, which is seen in their desire to put a smile on the face of their loved ones.

The downside of this is that she longs for the same thing, so much so that she could turn against them in the future.

If you happen to feel the need to show her how much she means to you, then by all means do so. The more you do it, the happier she will be.

The best way to decorate a young Libra's room is to go for nice, calm colours and decorative objects and furniture. Chances are she won't let you lift a finger on your own. So be prepared for a friendly pair of hands.

Your daughter could well be a saint. Her compassionate nature leads her to help anyone in need. No matter what the situation.

While this is lovely and comforting, remember to teach them the dangers of engaging in conversation with strangers. After all, their safety is paramount.

The child

You will quickly realise how emotional a Libra child can be, especially at a young age. They won't waste any time in showing it to you either.

Whenever there is turmoil or conflict around, your Libra child will be crying somewhere nearby. They love serenity and the lack of its opposite can be quite distressing.

As the years go by, you will notice a change for the better. Your toddler begins to look like an adult by taking up the mantle of resolving arguments in the home and putting peace into the fray.

The opposite may also happen, and your child may simply be left to solitude until the waters calm down and it is safe to return to them.

Your child will be an ace at socialising and getting along with everyone. They really are kind and loving souls who have nothing but compassion for those around them.

Libra boys also carry the mantle of righteousness. They have a strong aversion to anything unjust and will fight for what is right.

Keeping them busy at playtime

With a deep desire for all things beautiful, your Libra children will often ask you if they can change their room in a rather crazy, but beautiful way. At least you know interior design is a career they could choose.

Even fashion design could be an option. On the same theme of creativity, they could even become engineers of the next top-of-the-line airliner or automobile.

These kids love get-togethers and parties. So make sure you have plans in place for any opportunities that arise - and don't even get me started on how brilliant their birthday party has to be!

Their love of the musical arts makes you want to hire a band for that celebration too.

This could even transcend into adulthood, taking on the role of musicians, even actors, dancers or artists.

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Today's horoscope: Libra

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