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Discover how to achieve daily joy

Discover how to achieve happiness on World Joy Day. According to Arthur C. Brooks, it's a daily effort. Start today!...
05-08-2024 14:33

  1. The Search for Happiness: A Constant Effort
  2. The Harvard Study on Happiness
  3. The Journey of Happiness Throughout Life
  4. Purpose as the Key to Happiness

The Search for Happiness: A Constant Effort

For most people, achieving happiness is a goal in itself in their lives. While some find happiness in obtaining a college degree or landing their dream job, others mark moments of fulfillment with the arrival of children or the realization of a long-awaited trip.

However, social scientist Arthur C. Brooks invites us to rethink this perspective. According to him, happiness is not a destination, but a daily effort that requires constant attention and dedication.

The Harvard Study on Happiness

Un important milestone in happiness research dates back to 1938, when a group of researchers from Harvard Medical School began a long-term study on the development of men from youth to adulthood.

The results revealed that, despite variability in the population, two extreme groups emerged: the "happy and healthy," with a full and satisfying life, and the "sick and sad," who faced serious difficulties in their well-being.

Brooks points out that there are six controllable factors that can bring people closer to happiness. He invites everyone to take an inventory of their habits and behaviors to identify areas where they can invest more time, energy, or resources.

This proactive approach can be the first step towards a more fulfilling life.

The Journey of Happiness Throughout Life

As we progress through life, the experience of happiness is not linear. Brooks argues that, contrary to what many believe, happiness tends to decrease during youth and middle age, hitting a low around the age of 50.

However, there is a remarkable recovery in happiness in the sixth decade of life, where people can be divided into those who become happier and those who feel more unhappy.

The impact of financial decisions is also reflected in happiness. Those who have planned and saved tend to find emotional stability and satisfaction, highlighting the importance of preparation in all aspects of life.

Are you seeking inner happiness?

Purpose as the Key to Happiness

Un crucial aspect for achieving happiness is having a clear purpose in life. Research from UCLA and the University of North Carolina shows that a well-defined purpose not only aids in decision-making but also aligns our actions with our goals.

Joseph Fuller, another expert from Harvard, emphasizes that the lack of clarity between our personal and professional goals can lead to deep dissatisfaction. The coherence between both aspects is essential for achieving overall well-being.

Every August 1st, on World Joy Day, we are reminded of the importance of cultivating this feeling and reflecting on how we can integrate joy into our lives, despite adversities.

The history of this celebration, which began in 2012 through the initiative of Alfonso Becerra, highlights that it is fundamental to make space for what brings us joy in a world often focused on the negative.

In the end, happiness is not a destination but a journey that requires effort, self-knowledge, and a daily commitment to well-being.

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