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Zodiac signs ranked from luckiest to unluckiest

Being born under a certain sign not only influences our personality and relationships, but also has a high influence on our luck. Find out which are the luckiest and unluckiest signs....
20-05-2020 17:43

1. Virgo

You are doubly and triply blessed, it's as if everywhere you go, you have a whole security squad of angels in crisply pressed business suits and designer sunglasses protecting you at all times. Things always go your way in the end, even when it doesn't look like they will, when it looks like they're going in the wrong direction, you can be sure it's not the end; it's just a temporarily awkward plot twist. The best thing you can do, both for the world and for yourself, is to share some of your good fortune with those less fortunate.

I suggest you also read: Virgo's luck

2. Scorpio

You're the kind of guy who finds $100 notes on the pavement. You and all your friends could tiptoe through the meadows in the spring, and you're always the only one who finds a four-leaf clover. The only way to blow it is to rely entirely on good fortune and neglect what you need to do to improve your life. Don't take your good fortune for granted. The hand that gives is also the hand that can take away. Learn to be grateful, because good fortune never lasts forever, even for you.

I suggest you read also:
Scorpio's luck

3. Leo

You were born under the sun. You were blessed with good looks, brimming with confidence and sex appeal coming out of your yin-yang. If you made your next holiday destination Las Vegas, you'd probably leave with the whole city in your pocket. Your only problem is that sometimes you don't watch where you're walking.

I suggest you also read:
Leo's Luck

4. Taurus

You have been lucky with your family and in your career. You have also been lucky because you are better looking than the rest of your family and everyone you work with. Your only bad luck is in love, but that's because you always choose wrong. Choose well next time, and your ranking on this list will shoot up to number 1.

I suggest you also read:
the luck of Taurus

5. Aries

For you, luck comes in phases - long spells of bad luck followed by long spells of good luck. Your task is to overcome the bad spells and take advantage of the good ones. Realise that not everything is in your control, and you should not stress over what you cannot control. Instead, calmly start planting the seeds for a happier future, and when they do blossom, it will have nothing to do with luck.

I suggest you also read:
the luck of Aries

6. Pisces

For you, the wind blows in both directions. You are extremely lucky in love, very unlucky in things like finances. Therefore, don't worry about love, even if you are single, and especially if you are currently bogged down with someone who makes you unhappy, you can be sure that someone better is waiting for you behind the scenes.

I suggest you read also:
the luck of Pisces

7. Cancer

Have you noticed how your "luck" seems to improve the more you plan for the future? Here's a hint. Make it your goal to learn the difference between bad luck and bad decisions. There are some things - the death of a loved one, the bankruptcy of your employer, a particularly brutal winter - that you can't control. That's bad luck. Focus on making good decisions. If you don't know how to make good decisions, find the wisest person you know and make them your best friend. That will be the best decision you ever made.

I suggest you read also:
Cancer's luck

8. Sagittarius

Life has been so unfair to you. You've been dealt a bad hand. Just because you're paranoid doesn't always mean you don't have a reason to be, life has thrown you some real curve balls. Well, at least adversity builds character.... right? Of all the signs, you're the one most likely to take lemons and make lemonade out of them.
I suggest you read also:
Sagittarius' luck

9. Libra

It always rains on your parade. It feels like you could go months without seeing the sun. Every now and then you decide that the best you can hope for is to shrug your shoulders and learn to like the rain, maybe let the gentle sounds of the whistles help you fall asleep and forget about your bad luck for a while. And then, when you least expect it, a rainbow arrives.

I suggest you read also:
Libra's luck

10. Capricorn

Every time you roll the dice, you get snake eyes. Every time you play blackjack, you get 22. Every time they deal lottery numbers, you get number 13. But have hope, as they say, it's always darkest before the dawn. And for your life right now, it's about 4am. Roll over, get a couple more hours of sleep, and when you wake up, your life will be brighter. I promise.

I suggest you also read:
Capricorn's Luck

11. Aquarium

In the face of all the bad luck, your good luck is that you were born with a stubborn spirit. As the saying goes, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And even when it seems like the whole world is against you, you hope that there's one person who isn't. And you know what? You're right. That person is out there. Find that person and never let them go.

I suggest you read also:
the luck of Aquarius

12. Gemini

Gosh, you can't catch a break. It feels like you were born under a bad sign, under a dark cloud, under an unbreakable hexagon. And if you have an occasional run of good luck, you'll find a way to spoil it. You can overcome your bad luck if you refuse to give up. Like a wise saint who once prayed, learn the difference between what you can change and what you cannot. You can't change your bad luck, so change everything else.

I suggest you also read:
Gemini's Luck

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