Karmic astrology is a particular branch of astrology that focuses on understanding the soul's journey through its different incarnations. This discipline seeks to identify the pending lessons from past lives to allow us to evolve in our current existence.
According to astrologer Mora López Cerviño, karmic astrology is also connected to the family tree, suggesting that we choose which family clan to incarnate in to continue our spiritual evolution.
In contrast to other branches of astrology, karmic astrology does not only focus on future events, but also explores the lessons from the past that may be influencing our current life. It is a valuable tool for those seeking to understand repetitive patterns or constant challenges in their lives.
2025: A Year of Transformation and Detachment
The year 2025 looms as a significant period of transition in karmic astrology. The movements of planets such as Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Pluto indicate profound changes at both collective and individual levels. These planets, known for their influence over long cycles, herald the closing of old dynamics and the beginning of new narratives in our society.
Pluto, which has been in Capricorn since 2008, has transformed fundamental social structures. Neptune, in Pisces since 2012, has allowed for a deeper connection with our emotional and spiritual reality. Uranus, entering Taurus in 2018, has revolutionized our perception of security and personal value.
The Conjunction of Neptune and Saturn in Aries: The Goodbye to Attachments
One of the most powerful astrological events of 2025 will be the conjunction of Neptune and Saturn in Aries. This aspect, which will occur on May 25, is considered a crucial point for releasing attachments and karmic patterns. Neptune, associated with the spiritual and the illusory, joins Saturn, the planet of structure and responsibility, to help us transform our way of working and creating.
This planetary meeting will not only affect individuals with prominent cardinal positions in their natal charts, such as Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn, but will also influence the collective, offering an opportunity for greater connection with our authentic desire and a release of karmic debts.
Uranus in Gemini: Innovation and Connection with the Subtle
The entry of Uranus into Gemini on July 7, 2025 promises a collective awakening towards new forms of communication and technology. This transit, although temporary, signifies a period of innovation and exploration beyond conventional structures. Uranus is known for its ability to break with the established and open paths to the unexplored.
This movement will have a significant impact on those with prominent positions in mutable signs such as Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces. Additionally, Pluto in Aquarius will complement this change, fostering the creation of more horizontal and collaborative communities.
In summary, 2025 is shaping up to be a year full of opportunities to evolve and let go of past burdens, both personally and collectively. Karmic astrology invites us to take advantage of these transits to grow spiritually and embrace a new cycle of authenticity and freedom.