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How is the Scorpio zodiac in love?

Scorpio is considered the strongest sign in terms of its sexual energy in the entire Zodiac.   Their intense passion is reflected in the way...
25-03-2023 16:25

Scorpio is considered the strongest sign in terms of its sexual energy in the entire Zodiac.

Their intense passion is reflected in the way they take intimacy very seriously.

In this regard, Scorpio seeks a partner who is both intelligent and honest.

This sign devotes much of its foreplay outside the bedroom environment, through conversation and observation of its surroundings.

Once they are in love, they are devoted and loyal until the end of their days. However, it is important to keep in mind that relationships can take some time.

By their nature, Scorpios tend to be very distrustful, so it is essential to have a partner who is trustworthy and respectful of them.

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Today's horoscope: Scorpio

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