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The worst negative characteristics of the Scorpio zodiac

Scorpio: strengths and weaknesses The Scorpio sign is characterized by being strong-willed, intuitive and exciting, which makes it a person with an interesting and attr...
25-03-2023 16:25

  1. Scorpio: strengths and weaknesses
  2. Self-pity in Scorpio

Scorpio: strengths and weaknesses

The Scorpio sign is characterized by being strong-willed, intuitive and exciting, which makes it a person with an interesting and attractive personality.

 However, it also has certain disadvantages that should be considered.
 One of the biggest disadvantages of Scorpios is their ability to irritate their partner and not listen to them, which can lead them to be resentful, spiteful and compulsive.

 In addition, he can sometimes be extremely jealous and requires constant attention.
 Another of his weaknesses is his mocking and ironic tone, which can easily hurt other people.

You can read more in this other article: The wrath of Scorpio: The dark side of the Scorpio sign.

Self-pity in Scorpio

At times, Scorpios can fall into self-pity, feeling that their life has been especially difficult and that no one else understands their problems and traumas.

 This can affect their relationships and friendships, as they can become a difficult person to get along with.

Tip: In reality, people can understand your difficulties perfectly well, but feeling sorry for yourself is not going to help you overcome them.

 Instead, it's better to find ways to manage your emotions and work on your problems constructively.

We have an article to learn more about Scorpio: What is the most annoying thing about the Scorpio sign?

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Today's horoscope: Scorpio

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