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Scorpio soul mate: Who is your life partner?

The complete guide to Scorpio compatibility with every zodiac sign....
Author: Alegsa

  1. Scorpio and Aries as soul mates: opposites attract
  2. Scorpio and Taurus as soul mates: A pragmatic approach
  3. Scorpio and Gemini as soul mates: When communication meets mystery
  4. Scorpio and Cancer as soul mates: Two lovers of intimacy
  5. Scorpio and Leo as soulmates: A romantic ego meets an ambitious ego
  6. Scorpio and Virgo as soul mates: A watchful combination
  7. Scorpio and Libra as soul mates: A nemesis for each other
  8. Scorpio and Scorpio as soul mates: A struggle for power
  9. Scorpio and Sagittarius as soul mates: Breaking boundaries
  10. Scorpio and Capricorn as soul mates: Much to learn from each other
  11. Scorpio and Aquarius as soul mates: Opposing beliefs
  12. Scorpio and Pisces as soul mates: Impressive adventures together

Scorpios are the most intriguing sign of the zodiac, because they have the ability to fall into extremes in their social or personal life.

In a relationship, they love to create a mix of passion and adventure, and need to find a partner who fully understands their follies and does not judge them.

Scorpio and Aries as soul mates: opposites attract

Emotional connection ❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

At first glance, these two don't think they can have a long-term union, because they are total opposites in the zodiac, but after they start spending some time together, and begin to trust each other, they will share the same deep and amazing connection, from the depths of their hearts.

They will behave like fire and water, as they cannot live with each other and, at the same time, cannot live without each other.

These two signs are really strong and stubborn, so they will try to dominate from the beginning, which can be bad, because if they don't learn to respect equality and come up with peaceful and rational arguments, instead of shouting and shouting vacuously, the relationship will be a total failure.

Scorpios and Aries are quite independent human beings, so you should understand and respect this, because it will affect your future romantic relationships.

Moreover, they have to start discovering themselves with the goodness and the badness, because this is the most beautiful part of a union, to be aware of what makes their partner rare and special at the same time.

If one of them cheats on the other, their relationship will be completely destroyed, because they do not waste their time with people who are not honest and who do not put them on a pedestal.

Even if the Aries lover repents, and has some chance to forgive the infidelity, the Scorpio will drive him out of his life, and will never allow him to return.

Scorpio and Taurus as soul mates: A pragmatic approach

Emotional connection ❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤❤

Scorpios and Taurus can make a good couple, although their unique approaches and perspectives can make it a little difficult to really get together. They have many things in common, such as sensuality, romanticism, perseverance and a vengeful attitude if played to the hilt.

But, although Taureans like things to be as simple and easy to understand as possible, their partner's complicated character and deep personality might bother them a little.

The Scorpio lover is adept at change, mutability and adaptability. He thrives in environments that constantly test his survival skills and traits, for only then could he hope to advance.

Taurus, on the other hand, doesn't like these kinds of events. Always having to escape death by just an inch, having to face increasingly difficult challenges, when you could relax in a cosy armchair and read a good book? Despite these differences, they help and support each other when the time comes.

Both are affected by each other's outstanding characteristics and traits, leading to a healthy and prosperous relationship.

Thus, the Taurus' firm and pragmatic approach to life will alleviate their partner's incessant worries and possible fears, putting an end to all emotional problems.

Scorpios, on the other hand, naturally exude a quite powerful and dynamic energy that perfectly complements their partner's visionary depth, giving them the strength they need to complete their goals.

Scorpio and Gemini as soul mates: When communication meets mystery

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

Scorpios and Geminis form a rather peculiar pair, which is evident from the start, as they are really different in some aspects.

On the one hand, the Scorpio is a person who does not hesitate to take the bull by the horns and follow his or her instincts on a path full of dangers and risks, in order to obtain the ultimate victory in the end.

The Gemini lover, however, is a carefree individual who prefers to analyse and philosophise about methods of resolving a situation, rather than putting the effort, time, sweat and blood into actually resolving it himself.

Scorpios, being as determined and stubborn as they are, will naturally only feel more stubborn and focused on finding a way into the complicated and intricate mind of the Twin. It's a big effort, but they will never give up.

Defeat is unacceptable, after all. Both are drawn to the unknown and the enigmas that lie beyond the apparent veil of the world, and this is one of the strongest aspects that holds them together, in a quest to discover and unveil the world.

We are all familiar with the Gemini's tendency and, indeed, their eagerness to avoid opening up about anything. They have the knowledge and the ability to explain it, but they prefer to leave it out in the open, unresolved.

And that is extremely annoying, especially for outspoken and direct Scorpios. They don't like to be kept on the sidelines, and this is one of the reasons why your relationship will face some obstacles in the future.

Scorpio and Cancer as soul mates: Two lovers of intimacy

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤

The bond that unites these two natives is so strong that not even the sharpest scissors can hope to cut it. This relationship will persist through the ages, because it is based on similarities and a magnetic attraction.

Scorpios and Cancers have in common a deep desire for money, so the world is waiting for them to start making their plans.

Not only this, but they are emotionally attached to each other in a way that resembles twins, in the sense that they can perfectly feel what the other person feels, and react accordingly.

These natives absolutely love their privacy, and will rarely open their world for another person to observe.

Therefore, that special person will automatically become the main focus of their attention, someone with whom they can build a lasting relationship, full of joy and endless happy moments.

Scorpios will strive to protect and cover their Cancer partner from all possible dangers and attacks from the outside world, acting as a real man would.

Because they are in tune with each other, and share the same common values and principles, it is unlikely that these natives will ever argue over the proper course of action to a problem.

It will not happen, because they will probably come to the same conclusion, after a period of deep reflection and observation.

Scorpio and Leo as soulmates: A romantic ego meets an ambitious ego

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤❤

Both Scorpio and Leo are incredibly active and enthusiastic people who won't say no to a good challenge. With perseverance and a desire to defeat anything that stands in their way, these natives are nothing if not explosive and full of abundant drive.

Despite all the petty conflicts and arguments that arise from the few differences of opinion, they still find the strength to move on and ignore them.

Each is deeply attracted to the other, the Leo feels extremely good to see their partner's romanticism and incredible capacity for love, while the Scorpio appreciates the Leo's real presence and absolute confidence.

Moreover, his great wit and warm spirit touch the inner core of the desert ruler. In fact, they are both very loyal and affectionate to each other, and this creates a very good relationship.

These natives are quite self-centred and self-confident, and will not let anyone overstep their boundaries in an attempt to take control of the situation.

Naturally, if either of them tries to do so, there will be conflicts and battles to fight, and very long ones. However, as long as they find something on which to concentrate all that inner strength, the situation will steadily improve.

They are also quite contradictory in their personalities, as one is a Fire sign and the other a Water sign, but this is precisely what brings balance to their lives.

Scorpio and Virgo as soul mates: A watchful combination

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤

Confidence and reliability ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤❤

Most likely, these natives are built in each other's image. That is because each is uniquely endowed with qualities that complement the aptitudes of the other. In particular, both have analytical and observational abilities, quick wits and a steady focus.

With these qualities combined, the Scorpio and Virgo will be attentive and vigilant when it comes to taking the first step or committing to something unknown.

That is why their relationship is based on trust and loyalty, because they have had time to observe each other and have liked what they have seen.

While the Virgo lover tends to exaggerate any situation and criticise everyone involved for their obvious shortcomings, this time it doesn't work so well, because their partner is quite venomous and can retaliate in a moment.

Of course, it's not all bad, because the Scorpio will eventually notice their partner's insecurities and vulnerabilities, and won't take most attacks to heart.

Besides, knowing their determined and imposing personality, we would expect Virgos to lie down and surrender peacefully and obediently, but who would have thought they would remain immovable? This can only provoke admiration and respect from their partner.

The experiences and stressful situations, the overcoming of obstacles that stand in their way, the joint struggle with all of life's challenges, can greatly enhance and strengthen the bond between them.

After all, it is events like these that really bring people together and build a fierce relationship.

Scorpio and Libra as soul mates: A nemesis for each other

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

This is a relationship in which the Libra native will have to be pampered and taught a lesson, or maybe even a few, who knows?

The fact is that the Scorpio is aware of their partner's inner struggles for balance, and at the same time the Libra comes with their optimistic and luminous outlook on life, which helps to alleviate some of their lover's dark views.

The king of the desert fears nothing and does not admit defeat, even when he is completely surrounded and has no chance of escape. They manage to complement their partner's lack of confidence and determination, while continuously searching for their ideals.

These two partners often enter into contradiction and conflict, which does not bode well for their relationship, but over time they begin to discover more and more of themselves. This cancels out the previous problems.

Once again, it seems that these two were created as a nemesis for each other, especially when it comes to Scorpio. Thus, the Libra lover is so mesmerising and charming, that even the Hulk would have to think twice before trying to "smash" him in one of his rages.

How is it then that their partner seems not only to resist their seductive charms, but apparently treats them as non-existent and even annoying, if the situation continues? One of the mysteries that makes them who they are, clearly.

Scorpio and Scorpio as soul mates: A struggle for power

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

The connection between two Scorpios is the best of all, because it marks the union of two perfect souls who can understand each other incredibly well. Their personalities are similar, and so they easily find their soul in each other's eyes.

Passion and mystery will create a way for them to gain the ability to keep interest alive for a long, long time. Moreover, as they understand each other, they know each other's bodies very well, and this gives them an incredible experience in intimate moments.

They have an incredible winning mentality and enormous ambition, which makes them a very good team when it comes to achieving the things they set out to do.

If you think of winning against a Scorpio-Scorpio pair, you should think twice, because you will lose before the competition begins. They give each other security and confidence, and that makes them a true duo.

Two Scorpios seek to explore the more inexplicable sciences or spiritual occupations, such as mysticism or the occult, an attraction that develops their ambiguity and creativity.

Problems arise when they do not find a leader for their team, and as they are stubborn and impetuous, they may even start a war to express their bad feelings or to prove they are right.

However, a Scorpio can change, and if you talk to them calmly, harmony will return to your home.

The Scorpio-Scorpio couple easily learns to live together, due to their common vision of life and the future, and will find happiness by connecting their souls as a great union that transmits only good and magical vibrations to the Universe.

Scorpio and Sagittarius as soul mates: Breaking boundaries

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤❤

Both natives are deeply engaged with the world and all its aspects at the deepest levels. Everything seems to be full of mystery and waiting to be discovered.

Beyond the surface level, there is a more intricate understanding of reality, the truth, the only truth. And this is what they seek.

While the Scorpio tends to get too emotionally involved in this process, and perceives everything from a sentimental point of view, his partner, the Sagittarius, is the only anchor point that brings him back to reality.

All the accumulated knowledge can now be used in a more tangible way, to find fun opportunities and live life to the fullest. These two are truly complementary soul mates.

These two signs are very different. The Scorpio tends to be more distrustful and to show others only those parts of his personality that he feels are to his advantage, while, at the same time, the Sagittarius trusts everyone and everything, and is like an open book showing the world his true face, not a mask.

The latter is a party animal, an adventure seeker, and can help Scorpio get out of their comfort zone and have a little more fun, because they are normally a more serious sign.

Sagittarius is distracted from the important things in his life, while Scorpio is moody and punctual with his work, and can teach Sagittarius to be more precise and focus on one thing at a time.

Another thing that Sagittarius does is that they can't keep their mouth shut, so sometimes they may reveal some private things about their relationship with the Scorpio, who, in turn, wants to keep their personal life a secret, so this is the time when some sparks may appear, but if they learn to respect each other, they can live happily together.

It is a difficult couple to keep for life, but with a lot of love and wisdom, these two opposite signs will find their way to a harmonious life together.

Scorpio and Capricorn as soul mates: Much to learn from each other

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤

Confidence and reliability ❤

Common values❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

Another incredibly good match is between a Scorpio and a Capricorn, because these two seem to swim in the same ocean.

Hard-working people, they put their professional life first, which gives them satisfaction in terms of the money they earn. If they work towards the same goal, you will see how serious and ambitious they are.

They both like intimacy and keeping their personal lives private, but that doesn't mean they are an isolated couple. You will recognise this type of couple in a thousand other couples, because of their charm and grandeur, and because they tend to be wealthy.

Because they are rational and know how to give and ask for respect, they have a good chance of living together for the rest of their lives.

The Scorpio offers lessons on emotions when the Capricorn is more aligned with the material world. This combination can be perfect if they maintain patience and learn from each other the beauty of the world.

The Scorpio is the dreamer and the Capricorn partner is the realist, which is sure to make things work. It will take a little time for them to confess their feelings, but once they do, they will be one step away from that perfect marriage.

In their intimacy, they also work very well, because they are open to look for what makes the other happy.

When it comes to money, if they find the right way to manage it and account for each other's material desires, they can maintain an impressive lifestyle.

In the end, these two have a lot in common, and can create a beautiful relationship that will last a long time.

Scorpio and Aquarius as soul mates: Opposing beliefs

Emotional connection ❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤❤

Two words: chaos or unity, that perfectly describes what could emerge from the meeting of these two signs.

If things are well measured and if the stars are perfectly aligned, there will be unity and they will do their best to conquer the world.

If, on the other hand, there are some things wrong with either of them, incompatibilities and incongruities, then there will be chaos. And, oh, what a state of chaos and unrest will be unleashed when these two natives start fighting.

This pair does not form the best picture, because they are totally different partners with a lot of different characteristics that can be perfectly combined with each other.

But there is still a chance that they can survive together, if they learn to respect and understand each other. And the beautiful thing that nature gives us is that we are all human beings and we can and have the right to make mistakes.

Intellectual prowess is what binds these natives together so strongly. That and the proclivity to use that intellect in combination with a high set of moral standards and principles.

Now, while the Scorpio tends to focus more on the depths of their inner being, the Aquarius lover is a little more pragmatic and looks to the future, making plans, perspectives and putting them into perspective.

They are so deeply enchanted with each other that no catastrophe is so great as to cause these natives to be separated.

At first, they may be fascinated by each other. They are both intelligent, and that may make you think that the connection between them may be favourable, but once they get to know each other better, the bomb will explode and the relationship will break up, because they are impulsive and violent and having different opinions would turn their home into a theatre of war.

Scorpio and Pisces as soul mates: Impressive adventures together

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Trust and reliability ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

The couple formed by a Pisces and a Scorpio is a couple formed by a perfect connection and eternal feelings of love.

The attraction between them is uncontrollable, and they have the power to empathise with each other more than twins in the womb. This union will last a lifetime, and even after death you will be able to see its effects.

To complete a puzzle, you have to have all the pieces, because if just one piece is missing, the whole picture is destroyed. In this case, the Pisces lover comes with an incomplete puzzle, and the Scorpio lover completes it.

Together, they reach the epitome of what life could be, and live the most intense and breathtaking adventures, fulfilling them with the magic and sunshine of their souls.

Keep in mind that perfection does not equal balance, and sometimes too much can lead to evil and disaster.

Therefore, this type of couple has to learn early on to balance their feelings and to communicate, to reach the best opinions, and to find the most realistic solutions in their lives.

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Today's horoscope: Scorpio

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