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6 foods you should not heat in the microwave

Discover the 6 foods you should never heat in the microwave and learn how to clean it to prevent accidents. Expert tips for safe use....
13-08-2024 20:08

  1. The microwave, that inseparable friend!
  2. The dangers of water and milk
  3. Beware of eggs and processed meats!
  4. Common mistakes and practical solutions
  5. Conclusion: Use the microwave safely!

The microwave, that inseparable friend!

Who doesn't love the convenience of a microwave? That little appliance that saves us when we're hungry and short on time.

But beware, not everything that goes in comes out safe.

The FDA warns us about some dangers when using this device. So, if you don't want your food to turn into an explosion of flavor, but not in a good way, keep reading.

The dangers of water and milk

Let's start with water. Did you know that you can superheat it without it boiling? Yes, you heard that right. This phenomenon can lead you to a close encounter with pain.

The FDA makes it clear: water can be hotter than it seems. So, if you decide to heat it, do so with caution. We don't want your hands to suffer!

And milk, that ideal companion for coffee, also has its risks.

Heating it in the microwave can cause it to lose valuable nutrients and, if you're not careful, you could end up with a small lake of milk in your kitchen. An unwanted cleanup! So make sure to use clean, microwave-safe containers.

Beware of eggs and processed meats!

Let's move on to hard-boiled eggs. You might think they are harmless, but heating those little friends in the microwave can result in an explosion. Can you imagine opening the microwave and seeing a disaster?

The National Library of Medicine doesn't beat around the bush: avoid heating hard-boiled eggs!

And let's not forget processed meats. That delicious sausage or chorizo that you love so much can be a problem. Reheating them in the microwave can generate harmful compounds.

What's the solution? Opt for more traditional cooking methods. Your health will thank you!

Common mistakes and practical solutions

Let's talk about mistakes. A classic one is overheating liquids. Does that sound familiar? A little advice: use suitable containers and do not exceed the recommended times. Your skin and your microwave will thank you.

Another common mistake is using inappropriate containers. Some plastics can release toxic substances when heated. Always opt for containers labeled as microwave-safe. Your health is worth it, don’t you think?
And don't forget to cover the food. If you don't, you could end up with a microwave full of splatters. Use special lids or wax paper. It's a small effort that is worth it!

Finally, the lack of cleanliness. A dirty microwave not only smells bad but can also affect its performance. One tip: clean your microwave regularly.

Don't let food residues turn into a scientific experiment!

How and how often you should clean your home refrigerator

Conclusion: Use the microwave safely!

So, now you know. The microwave is a great ally in the kitchen, but it can also be a danger if not used correctly. Always remember to follow the manufacturer's recommendations and keep your microwave clean.

And you, what precautions do you take when using it? Share your anecdotes! The kitchen is a space to experiment, but always with safety.

Enjoy your meal!

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