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Chia Seeds: Who Should Avoid Their Consumption?

Discover who should avoid chia seeds and why. Learn about their contraindications and the recommended daily portion to enjoy their benefits....
13-08-2024 20:03

  1. Chia: The superfood of the Aztecs
  2. Precautions: Is it for everyone?
  3. The right portion to enjoy
  4. Benefits You Can't Ignore

Chia: The superfood of the Aztecs

Did you know that chia seeds have over 5,000 years of history?

That's right! Derived from the Salvia hispanica plant, this small treasure from Central America was a staple food for the Aztecs and Mayans.

Today, chia has earned the title of superfood thanks to its impressive nutritional profile.

But do you really need it in your diet? Let's find out.

Chia can absorb 10-12 times its weight in water. Incredible, right?

This gel it forms not only helps keep you hydrated, but it is also an ally for your digestion. Using chia in your meals is simple. You can mix it into yogurts, smoothies, or even make that refreshing chia water with lemon.

It's like having an ally at every meal!

Precautions: Is it for everyone?

Although chia is wonderful, not everyone can enjoy it without worries.

If you are taking medications for type 2 diabetes, you should be careful. Chia may help lower blood sugar levels, but if you overdo it, you could end up with hypoglycemia. And that doesn't sound fun at all!

Additionally, if you are using medications for blood pressure, chia could be a double-edged sword. It can lower blood pressure, and if you are already taking medications for it, you might feel a bit "low on energy".

Consult your doctor before making it a part of your diet.

Another group that should exercise caution is those taking anticoagulants. Chia can intensify the anticoagulant effect, so a medical check-up is a good idea.

And if you have had digestive issues before, be careful with the fiber it contains. In large amounts, it can cause bloating or discomfort. Here, moderation is key!

The right portion to enjoy

Are you wondering how much chia you should consume? Experts from the Mayo Clinic suggest between 10 and 15 grams per day, which is about two tablespoons.

That's not much, but it's enough to take advantage of all its benefits!

In just 30 grams of chia, you get 30% of manganese, 27% of phosphorus, and other nutrients like zinc and potassium. Additionally, it only contains 138 calories, and that's good news! A combination of 11 grams of fiber and 4 grams of protein makes chia a nutritious snack.

And let's not forget those healthy fats: 9 grams of which 5 are omega 3! That's a dose your heart will appreciate.

Benefits You Can't Ignore

Chia is a champion in cardiovascular health. Its content of omega 3 and antioxidants, such as flavonoids and phenolic compounds, makes it a powerful ally against inflammation. And what about those essential amino acids?

The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health highlights that chia contains nine of them, crucial for the growth and repair of cells.

Each tablespoon is packed with antioxidants that fight against free radicals.

Goodbye cellular aging! These seeds can help prevent chronic and degenerative diseases.

So, are you willing to give chia a chance? Integrate these seeds into your diet mindfully, and enjoy their multiple benefits. Always remember to consult a health professional if you have any doubts. Your well-being is the most important thing!

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