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How is the Capricorn zodiac in bed and sex?

Capricorns need a determined person to trigger them, and once the chains are off, they are ready for action and passionate as hell.   They h...
25-03-2023 15:33

Capricorns need a determined person to trigger them, and once the chains are off, they are ready for action and passionate as hell.

They have incredible stamina and will not stop pleasing you all night long. They are excellent, unparalleled lovers.

Sexual Compatibility Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

One of the great advantages that Capricorns have is, without a doubt, their intellectual capacity and their physical attractiveness.

Generally, this zodiac sign is attracted to accomplished and intelligent individuals who are not afraid to show their worth.

For them, a mental attraction is more exciting than a physical one, although when both aspects meet and combine, the effect they have is simply explosive.

Capricorns are not usually fans of impromptu adventures, as they like to plan and organize every detail so that everything fits into their hectic and busy lives.

In addition, they consider it an act of responsibility and commitment to their partners.

Therefore, if you are looking to conquer a Capricorn, plan ahead and avoid proposing adventures on weekdays, as they are not usually lovers of this type of activities.

You can read this related article: Capricorn sexuality: Capricorn essentials in bed.

To know how the Capricorn sign is in bed, sex and passion see:

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Today's horoscope: Capricorn

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