Welcome to ALEGSA's horoscope

How is the Capricorn zodiac in the family?

Capricorn is distinguished by its wit and great sense of humor, making it a favorable sign for friendship.   He prefers to surround himself...
25-03-2023 15:33

Capricorn is distinguished by its wit and great sense of humor, making it a favorable sign for friendship.

He prefers to surround himself with honest, loyal individuals who share his ethics and principles.

This star greatly values his loved ones, always willing to lend a helping hand to his close circle of friends and family.

Capricorn's traditional nature is evident in their fondness for festivities - such as Christmas - gatherings and other commemorations.

Although their circle of friends is not usually wide, the people who are part of it are highly valuable and significant, a criterion that the sign takes very much into account.

For this last point I suggest you read: Capricorn as a friend: Why you need one.

In general, Capricorns do not usually make their feelings and emotions known in public; however, they tend to express them in writing.

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Today's horoscope: Capricorn

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