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How is the Capricorn zodiac in love?

The Capricorn zodiac sign is generally characterized by being a serious lover and preferring to take things slowly.   Generally, he does not...
25-03-2023 15:33

The Capricorn zodiac sign is generally characterized by being a serious lover and preferring to take things slowly.

Generally, he does not make hasty decisions when looking for a partner.

He likes to have relationships that develop gradually.

Capricorn's personality is characterized by being reserved, although they can express their emotions through their actions.

This zodiac sign tends to demonstrate their true affection through concrete deeds.

Capricorn enjoys giving gifts with no expense spared in order to create the perfect ambiance.

Likewise, this sign is genuine and sincere in their relationships.

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  • Can erotic games with photos be the reason why Capricorn doesn't want to let go, even though they say they don't want sex or a relationship, just friendship?

    This is an interesting question that touches on the complex balance of feelings and desires. Let's take a closer look at this situation to clarify your thoughts. ?

    ### 1. Erotic games and emotional attachment
    Capricorns can often be closed off about their feelings, but that doesn't mean they don't experience deep emotions. Erotic games with photos can create a special atmosphere of intimacy, even if there is no formal romantic connection between you. This can lead to confusion in his feelings.

    ### 2. Fear of loss
    If he communicates with you on such an intimate level but claims he doesn't want a relationship, it may indicate that he fears emotional attachment and losing control over the situation. He may enjoy the physical or emotional aspect of your relationship without wanting to delve into a true relationship.

    ### 3. Indecision of feelings
    This means that his "just friends" position may be a way to keep you in his life without letting you in deeper. It can also reflect his fears or past experiences—often such relationships lead to emotional fluctuations, where one side finds it hard to decide.

    ### 4. Reciprocal interaction
    ❓ It's worth analyzing your own feelings and desires. How did you feel during these games? Do they prevent you from feeling comfortable in your friendship with him? What do you want from your relationship moving forward?

    ### Recommendations:
    - Clarity and openness: Talk to him about your observations and concerns—he may not realize how these games affect you.
    - Set your boundaries: If you want more distance from erotic games, say so! ?❤️ It's important for your emotional well-being.

    #### Questions for self-reflection:
    ? What are your expectations regarding the future of your friendship with him? Are you ready to accept his decisions about the relationship, or are you trying to take responsibility for your own emotions?

    Your heart and well-being should come first! ?✨
  • Recently, I asked my Capricorn to block me so that I could get rid of my feelings for him, because I feel that he is disappearing due to their manifestations, which means I remind him of something painful, and I don't want to hurt him. I was told that my manifestations do not hurt him. A day later, I confessed that I decided to never interfere in his life, but I won't let other men close to me because I chose him. I was told, 'Oh, you really have it bad.' How should I understand this?

    Thank you for sharing your story. ? The situation really seems complicated and emotional. Capricorns are usually very serious and intelligent people who can be anxious about their feelings, as they often prioritize stability and security in relationships. Let's figure this out together.

    ? First of all, your Capricorn may be trying to cope with their own emotions. When you asked them to block you, they might have perceived it as a signal that you want to distance yourself from them, which triggered their feelings of anxiety.

    ? Admitting your feelings is an important step, but do you feel that your decision to "never intrude into their life" might have the opposite effect? It could give them a sense of pressure or alienation.

    ? The phrase "oh well, you really got yourself into a mess" may indicate that your acquaintances see this situation as emotionally complicated and might think that you are putting yourself in a disadvantageous position. It's important to remember that relationships require open communication and mutual understanding.

    ❓ Listen to yourself: what is important to you in this situation? How are you coping with these feelings? Do you have the desire to talk to them about your emotions once more? What do you want to achieve in this relationship? ?

    I’m here for you! ?

I am Alegsa

I have been writing horoscope and self-help articles professionally for over 20 years.

Today's horoscope: Capricorn

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