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Capricorns have to be cornered and caught in a net, otherwise they will escape and go elsewhere. This means that unless their attention and interest are totally preoccupied with someone else, they can quickly become distracted and lose concentration.
Having the attention span of a 3 year old, this native has to be really fascinated and intrigued by a person to decide to stay. That is why it takes a lot of effort to successfully date and romance a Capricorn.
Although the disadvantages are quite obvious at first glance, not everything about them is, of course.
While they tend not to settle for anything less than the extraordinary or the sublime, once the chosen one is found, everything that happens afterwards is magical to say the least.
Realistic and pragmatic, you will never see a Capricorn blaming fate or bad luck for anything bad that happens. No good has ever come from thinking like that, and this time is no different.
They prefer a more practical approach, and approach any problem with a serious and responsible attitude, leaving no stone unturned.
Outspoken and straightforward, as well as honest people, Capricorns do not mince their words or hesitate to address any problems they may have.
Ironically, Capricorns think of themselves as optimists and people with a bright outlook on life, who dream big and have idealistic goals. However, nothing could be further from the truth.
When foreseeing a disaster or the occurrence of problems in their relationship, they are quite indifferent, or better still, they are quite used to such "predictions", so they do not feel the need to take any action to prevent it from happening.
Of course, that's not entirely true either. They are not going to stand by and watch everything around them fall apart, or hurt you.
It's just that this cynicism makes them who they are, and it takes patience to completely sidestep this annoying aspect.
Ambitious and persevering, as well as hard-working to the extreme, these natives do their utmost to achieve certain goals, without giving up any way out.
Either success is achieved, or the abyss of despair is imminent, there really is no alternative for the stubborn Capricorn. That anguish of not achieving something can be somewhat of an obstacle for them, it is actually quite a risky and dangerous mentality.
Obviously, professional life tends to come before intimate relationships, but they are not necessarily separate.
The benefits of a lucrative job go to the betterment and well-being of the family, so in the end it all comes down to one thing: their ability to cope with and emerge unscathed from crises and critical situations.
Emotional outbursts and occasional outbursts are a constant in a Capricorn's life, much to the disgrace of those close to them.
They can even display typical bipolar behaviour, going from a loving and friendly disposition to a grumpy and angry one in a split second. No warnings, no seat belts, no nothing.
It is best to ignore these 180-degree turns as far as possible, because they disappear as spontaneously as they appear.
Although these natives may appear strong and determined to the outside world, able to face any situation with a confident smile and steady hand, the truth is a little different.
This is just a façade they present in an attempt to create a certain impression, but underneath lies a much softer and more tender side.
That is why the main thing they look for in a partner is a loving, caring and supportive character. More than anything else, the feeling of having someone around to care for you and mend your wounds is by far the best feeling in the world.
Being very open and enthusiastic in their approach, it is natural for people to swarm around them. However, that does not mean that they associate with any unsavoury individual that comes along.
Selectivity and high standards mean that only the best and most positive people are allowed into their social circle.
Capricorns, who are naturally attracted to these types of individuals, will obviously evolve and develop from many points of view while in the company of their friends. So take this opportunity to get close to him and meet his friends, it can only be for your own good.
Very loyal and devoted to their friends and family, you will never find yourself in a situation that will not be resolved with their help. No sacrifice is too great and no problem too hard for this native.
Your well-being and happiness are at the top of his list of priorities, and whatever can be done to achieve them, he will do it regardless of anything else.
Another thing about these natives is that they are very outspoken and direct individuals.
Capricorns don't beat around the bush - far from it. Instead, they go for it with a firm attitude and a firm heart, and do what needs to be done to achieve the goal.
Capricorn natives are the kind of guys and girls who place more emphasis on character and personality than on simple numbers in a bank account or the ever-popular and eye-catching 6-pack, not to mention the legendary and divine 8-pack.
Putting on the teasing side, this native is prone to shoot first and ask questions later. Disbelieving and putting everything under the magnifying glass, they will not stop until they strip you of any potentially disastrous flaws and "virtues".
After nagging you for hours and hours, they will finally cheer up, put aside all differences and accept you in their life.
At this stage, you probably think that everything is set up and ready to go. Dream life, here I come, right? Woah, hang in there, cowboy.
Things are not that simple. Just because they let you into their lives doesn't necessarily mean that they are also fully into love and passion. That takes time, and even more so for a distrustful, suspicious and cynical Capricorn.
Romanticism and sentimentality are quite repugnant to such an individual, but they will eventually show their affection, in the not too distant future.
Just as they would approach a typical situation, sex life is not much different. The same ingenuity, or rather lack of ingenuity, applies to lovemaking.
A Capricorn is more focused on the act itself, on the satisfaction of certain cravings, than on foreplay and romantic approaches.
As long as it happens, if possible constantly, this native doesn't really care if roses fall from the sky, if the room smells of jasmine or if everything turns into total sadomasochism.
Although they can, and indeed are prone to fall into a state of absolute bliss and passion, once the couple joins the show, the extra doesn't matter so much.
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• Today's horoscope: Capricorn
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