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The Capricorn woman is an example of coolness, calmness and practicality. However, when she is in the bedroom she is completely different.
When you see this woman behind closed doors, you will notice that she makes love with passion and is always willing to try new things. She doesn't need much to be happy in bed. A strong emotional connection and true devotion are enough for her.
It has great sexual energy. This means that she would only be good with strong, loving and very erotic partners. Having a natural sensuality and pronounced sexuality, the Capricorn woman knows how to seduce and please.
She likes a little sexual tension before getting into bed. She likes long foreplay and believes that sex would mean nothing without foreplay. If you expect her to do what you want, you will have to spoil her a lot.
With a high libido, the Capricorn woman reaches orgasm quickly and falls in love right away. She does not like seduction and, if she likes you, she will allow you to touch her.
Because she is slow to open up with a partner, intercourse with a Capricorn woman will not be so extraordinary on the first night.
It improves with time. It demands a lot from the partner and can offer pleasures you have never known with another woman.
Ruled by Saturn, this woman is hard-working and ambitious in life as well as in sex. She likes to feel complete, so if you are the one who makes her feel this way, you will be rewarded.
A Capricorn woman's sex drive is difficult to withstand. She can go on and on and on. She likes to sleep over after sex and wants someone to complete her.
She will not let anyone stop her from achieving success. She likes to feel secure and needs someone strong, as she is a strong woman herself. You must be the one to pursue her.
She will send subtle signals and sometimes it may seem like she is not interested, but that just means she likes you. Keep in mind that she is a patient person who works hard to get what she wants.
Plan everything before taking action. Impress her. She likes to be surprised. She might be hard to please sexually, so you'll need to be a little more experienced in bed.
Fortunately, she knows what she wants and will not hesitate to get it. Whatever you do to woo her, be patient. Wait for that first kiss and that first night.
She will take you to a new realm of love. You will see her warm and loving side as she fulfills all your fantasies.
If you are looking for someone to experiment with in bed, go for the Capricorn woman. She will agree to toys, wear sexy lingerie and participate in any game. She will get attached to you after your first night together.
But don't expect her to put up with you from the start. As said before, you will have to be patient with her. She needs her own space and to be attracted. Don't be confused by her moods. Sometimes she won't want to have sex just because she doesn't feel like it.
Sex with her is also emotional and is more about giving than receiving. She will not enjoy making love to you until she has established what your desires and fantasies are.
Compliment her, as this will increase her libido and confidence. She needs to feel beautiful and feminine in order to perform in bed.
Don't be afraid to suggest wild things to her. She will be open and willing to try. But what she wants most of all is for her partner to be emotionally attached to her. She needs your affection more than anything else, so you'd better show it if you want to win her heart forever.
When she is out of the bedroom, the Capricorn woman is ambitious, rational, cold and a bit boring. But when she gets between the sheets, she becomes the opposite. She likes to be a winner in everything, so she will also give her best between the sheets.
You may not like public displays of affection, but you would certainly like to try other things. In terms of sexual compatibility, you would go well with Sagittarius, Virgo, Cancer, Leo, Pisces, Taurus and Scorpio. It is most sensitive on the legs and around the knees.
If you know how to make her happy, the Capricorn woman will be passionate and affectionate. She considers lovemaking to be only physical, and believes that true love should be conscious and spiritual.
He is happiest when he can mix the physical with emotions. He always thinks that the relationship he is in may not last long, and expects to be given a lot of love.
Make her feel feminine and give her lots of attention. She may be slow to respond, but that's just the way she is. This woman needs time to work out what each aspect of the relationship will bring to her life.
If she likes the way you touch her, you are halfway to winning her heart forever. Be honest and direct with her.
She will be the same, she will tell you everything that bothers her and where you need to make some changes.
This is a woman who puts your satisfaction first. If she doesn't see that you are satisfied, she will probably call a sex therapist.
Tense and reserved, the Capricorn woman is also surprising and fun. She likes to scream and claw in bed. Her head is full of new ideas on how to make love in a way that pleases all the senses. She needs a partner who loves her intensely and passionately.
Always caress her after sex. She will love you more for it. Traditional caresses and kisses should also be part of your lovemaking programme.
Don't try anything new without his permission. She won't like it and will remember you for doing something you didn't ask her to do.
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• Today's horoscope: Capricorn
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