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Capricorn's best match: Who you are most compatible with

You can build an amazing life with Virgo, the familiar Taurus is perfect for you, but so is the dreamy and attractive Pisces....
Author: Alegsa

  1. 1. Capricorn's best partner is Virgo.
  2. 2. Capricorn and Taurus
  3. 3. Capricorn and Pisces
  4. What happens next?

If you're not ready for a perfectionist zodiac sign, you should run as fast as your legs can carry you, because beautiful Capricorns want everything to be perfect, but really perfect.

For them, a relationship is more like a signed contract, which should have maximum results in line with their expectations and plans for the future.

They will make you feel appreciated, that's for sure, but you have to prove that you can live up to their pragmatic and concrete standard of living, and you have to agree with their demands. Therefore, the best partners for Capricorn are Virgo, Taurus and Pisces.

1. Capricorn's best partner is Virgo.

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Marriage ❤❤❤❤❤

Capricorn and Virgo natives are so in line with each other's feelings and thoughts, you would think they have some kind of telepathic link. It's nothing more than compatibility working its wonders, because, you see, they are both Earth signs, so this was a given from the start.

Moreover, when it comes to financial and professional experience, these natives are also on the same wavelength, in the sense that seriousness, determination and high ambitions are the ways to go.

If something bad were to happen to one of them, the other would offer support and compassion, so there is obviously every reason to believe that it will be a successful relationship overall.

These two can be seen perfectly together, because they both like to do things as constructively and productively as possible, and work efficiently without wasting precious time.

It is good that they have a competitive mentality, but they should not start competing with each other, as this could damage their relationship.

They have the potential to show a lot of affection for each other, but because of Capricorn's distant personality, the Virgo lover must be a little more patient at first, until Capricorn begins to trust him completely.

While there are no problems or serious issues in general, as with all couples, compromises and sacrifices will have to be made to ensure the best possible outcome.

For example, the Capricorn's deep attachment to family ties is an aspect that their partner should not shy away from or ignore, because once those boundaries are crossed, things will not end well.

In addition, the Virginian's tendency to be blunt and direct will sometimes become a sharp blade of criticism, and if the partner can't handle it, it will be a rather short-lived relationship.

2. Capricorn and Taurus

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤ ❤❤❤❤

Marriage ❤❤❤❤❤

Apparently, this is one of the most family-oriented couples of the zodiac, because these two will always like to have long conversations about children and parenting in general, and would like to create a vision for the future together.

As they love to plan how their children's future should be, they are also very responsible with money from the beginning, due to their pragmatism and love of comfort.

Having a taste for luxury, they tend to appreciate work and money, and this aspect will straighten the bond between them. As soon as they realise that the combination of their efforts will bring them multiple rewards and gains, they will surely not waste any more minutes and will start carrying out their plans with double the efficiency and speed.

These two will always focus on what is most important, from a realistic and pragmatic point of view.

After all, they are both Earth signs, and stability and security are essential principles by which they live their lives. Although both are realists above all else, Capricorns tend to lean more towards pessimism, in the sense that they practically all the time foresee what could go wrong, failures and defeats.

Evidently, this makes them rather gloomy and depressed at times, and the Taurus lover cannot come over to this side, because he cannot understand why anyone would worry about things that have not yet happened.

Of course, preparation is fine, and even advisable, but enough is enough. If something is bound to happen, then it will happen. There is no point worrying about it.

These two are very practical together, and will focus on the same interests. The Capricorn will come up with the best strategies and the Taurus agrees and always helps.

Their compatibility comes with less fights and relationship problems, and with a lot of respect, love and incredible feelings.

This compatibility stems from their realistic outlook, because they do not tend to fall into dreams and unrealistic paths, but concentrate on the immediate issues that must be resolved first.

Otherwise, if they had fallen into chimerical idealism and surreal dreams, would they have achieved as much as they did? Probably not, and that is the bottom line.

3. Capricorn and Pisces

Emotional connection ❤❤❤❤

Communication ❤❤❤❤

Intimacy and sex ❤❤❤❤

Common values ❤❤❤❤❤

Marriage ❤❤❤❤❤❤

These two will always focus on what is most important, from a realistic and pragmatic point of view.

After all, stability and security are essential principles by which they live their lives. Although both are realists above all else, Capricorns tend to lean more towards pessimism, as these natives almost always foresee what can go wrong, failures and defeats.

Evidently, this makes them quite gloomy and depressed at times, and Pisces cannot come round to this side, because they cannot understand why anyone would worry about things that have not yet happened.

Of course, preparation is fine, and even advisable, but enough is enough. If something is bound to happen, then it will happen. There is no point worrying about it.

Pisces are really deep and more realistic, so the union with a Capricorn is perfect, because Pisces tend to adapt to their partner's style, so they would agree if the Capricorn wants to be the dominant member in their relationship.

When it comes to intimate life, imagine sprinkling water on the earth, and just as the water is absorbed by the earth, so they combine perfectly with a lot of passion and spirit of adventure.

There are also differences, because Capricorns put their desires before love, and Pisces put love before personal desires, so there must be some contradictions, but in time they will solve all their problems because they come together beautifully.

Capricorn's earthy environment is perfect for stabilising and bringing much-needed security to the agitated and ever-changing Pisces.

From this point of view, any problem that arises will have to face the stony and imperturbable gaze of the goat, which relies on the spiritual and magical love of its partner.

Although slow to start, once things get going, it's all a romantic journey, as they are neither dramatic nor pretentious.

It is good above all to make sure it is the right thing to do first, before committing to something more serious.

What happens next?

These Capricorns function best in a relationship where everything is peaceful and calm, otherwise stress would go to their heads and make it difficult for them to achieve anything, although they do not lose their concentration at all.

Moreover, they will not pack up and leave at the first sign of danger, or when the situation degenerates so far that things seem to be heading for a quick death.

They will continue to fight to the end, taking care not to hurt their partner in any way.

After all, it is important that the two of them get out of trouble together, otherwise what would be the point of all this if one of them was irreparably injured?

For compatibility with other signs read: Capricorn soul mate: Who is your life partner?

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Today's horoscope: Capricorn

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