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Are Scorpio women jealous and possessive?

Scorpio's jealousy comes to the surface when they fear losing their loved one to someone else....
18-07-2022 12:35

If Scorpio men are possessive and show the greatest jealousy when they are in love, it means that Scorpio women are much the same.

The Scorpio woman wants her partner to make her feel that she is the most important person on earth. Don't test their patience, as they don't forget or forgive easily.

She needs a partner who makes her feel inspired and energised in all aspects of life. If she does not find what she wants in a partner, the Scorpio woman will leave.

In fact, she also holds the crown of the most jealous woman of the zodiac and reacts a little differently to the Scorpio man when she has this feeling.

For example, this woman will not say anything and will analyse the situation until a solution is found.

He will investigate and follow the couple to see if his suspicions are true.

For example, it is normal for the Scorpio woman to get upset and angry if you pay more attention to someone else than to her.

If you are with a Scorpio woman and she seems a little weird to you, be honest with her. Explain that you understand that she might be a little jealous, and reassure her that there is no one else in your life. She's only doing it because...

The Scorpio woman can sometimes become obsessed with her partner. She will be so afraid of losing her beloved that she will only be interested in his love life and nothing else. It would be impossible for her to be with someone who flirts a lot.

If you are thinking of making a Scorpio woman jealous, think again. You would solve nothing and she would be unstoppable with her possessiveness. Infidelity is something this woman would never forgive.

The Scorpio woman knows how to handle a confrontation. She will most likely win, as she is manipulative and good at arguing.

If you help your Scorpio woman channel her energy into something more productive, she will stop being so jealous.

You need to help her identify her new hobbies and interests, and she will forget about jealousy. Beautiful and enigmatic, she'll attract many would-be lovers.

Get used to this. He will not flirt with anyone else, as he is not only a possessive partner, but also a devoted one.

He will never abandon you if he feels that his jealousy may not be based on something real. He will search for answers until he finds the truth and decides to continue or end the relationship.

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Today's horoscope: Scorpio

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