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Libra in love: How compatible is she with you?

Mental connection is the prerequisite for any kind of love relationship....
15-07-2022 12:40

  1. Where are you both?
  2. This lover... upside down
  3. A sensual lover

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When in love, Librans become passionate and romantic. Despite their flirtatious behaviour, these guys give themselves completely to their partners once they have found them.

Librans always seem to be interested in having a relationship with someone. They will rarely be single and will marry young, if not several times.

But the love of your life has to understand that they are cheerful and flirt harmlessly with co-workers and friends. Trusting your Libra partner is very important. As their sign symbol shows, these people are always looking for balance and harmony.

This is why they must choose their lovers carefully. Soft and gentle, they prefer someone who is equal to them and not too domineering. In seeking equality and justice, the person they love needs to believe in the same things.

Discussions of politics and social issues are among Librans' favourite conversations. Passion for important issues is something Librans appreciate in others.

They do not want to generate conflicts and always seek to be right when arguments start. There is no place in their lives for aggressive or imposing people.

Where are you both?

If you are with a Libra, you can consider yourself lucky. These guys are the most lovable and kind-hearted of all the zodiac. They like to be in a couple, and as children of Venus, they want to be loved.

They will always find someone to share their life with, regardless of whether they are completely compatible with that person or not. They are hasty courters, who want someone in their life as soon as possible.

However, the fact that they are indecisive can affect their relationships. They will find it difficult to say where the relationship is going and thus hurt their partner's feelings.

Be honest with them, as they need to know where you stand, and determine more quickly where they are.

As the sign of marriage and partnership, Librans don't feel happy until they are in a relationship. They simply cannot find their balance without that special person in their life. They can be dominant at times, but not too dominant. Just enough to show that they care a lot.

They give themselves completely to their partner, but don't forget to admire them sometimes. Appreciating only the good things in life, take them to expensive restaurants and buy them art. When they are not in a relationship, they worry and start desperately looking for someone.

Because they are in touch with their feminine side, these people, whether male or female, are incredible lovers. They show affection and passion when in the bedroom, while remaining devoted and loyal.

But sometimes they can smother their beloved with their attention. If they take many years to commit, it doesn't mean they don't care. What comes to the surface is their indecision. They will weigh many pros and cons, they will analyse the relationship from all sides. With them, it is better to give an ultimatum regarding marriage, even if it may seem risky.

Librans are advised not to let their tendency to overthink take over their lives. They should be encouraged to take more risks.

Another weak point in their character is their dependence. They need others too much. They expect their loved ones to carry their emotional burden, and this can hinder their ability to be self-sufficient and happy with themselves.

This lover... upside down

Not ones for one-night stands, Librans would rather fall in love than just have sex. They want everything a relationship entails, and can be emotionally demanding.

If they are no longer able to impress their partner, their interest begins to wane and they are likely to look for someone else. They will invest a lot of time and energy in a relationship, and believe that love stories can happen to them too.

Be prepared for romantic gestures when you are with the Libra man or woman. They like to pamper the person they love with all kinds of attention. For them, love is romantic and dreamy. They want the fairy tale kind, and will never stop looking for it.

As family members, they strive to make everyone feel good. They want to bring happiness, and their home will always be decorated with works of art and expensive furniture. If they manage to keep their relationship balanced and stable, they will be the happiest in love.

When they don't find what they are looking for, they spend a lot of time thinking about where things have gone wrong. It can be said that Libra men are a little more realistic in love than Libra women.

But this does not mean that they do not miss what is right under their noses and go chasing a dream that they will probably never fulfil.

When they come into contradiction with someone, they prefer to keep quiet and let the other person win the argument. Calm and peaceful, Librans always seek harmony and balance, not contradictions and raised voices.

They can see both sides of a story, but if they don't speak their mind, it's all for nothing. Motivated by fairness and justice, they hope that their love life will be balanced, and that their partner will give as well as receive.

You will never see Librans alone at home or in a bar when they are involved in a relationship. They will take their partner everywhere they go, and enjoy the time they spend together. Many of them will even start a business with their partner, or decide to work in the same place as their partner.

A sensual lover

They are happy to offer love, and even happier when they receive a response. These natives truly enjoy being the prince or princess in a relationship. The Libra man likes to be the saviour, and the Libra lady is a real damsel in distress.

They believe that emotions can be expressed very well through sex. Librans will use the strongest fragrances and the most beautiful lingerie to make their partner desire them even more. They have fantasies and are very happy when they find someone to share them with. They like sex only when it is done with a purpose.

Romance and lovemaking cannot go without each other for these people. That is why they rarely cheat and are never promiscuous. They choose very carefully whom they will sleep with, making sure that it is not just a fling.

Never argue with them in bed. For Librans, this is a great disappointment. Peace and relaxation are essential for them to fully enjoy sex and offer what they are capable of to their partner.

Music and candlelight will always put them in a good mood, so don't hesitate to make all kinds of romantic gestures to make them more passionate and fiery.

Sensual and romantic, these guys need to have a mental connection with their lovers if they want to be happy with their sex life. As they love luxury, silk sheets wouldn't go amiss either.

If you create a romantic environment for them, they will be more interested in making love, and they will also be more imaginative about what you should do between the sheets.

Don't expect too many fireworks, as Librans make love in a sweet and traditional way. They are not the kinkiest of the zodiac. So if you like things weird, put those things aside and let your Libra lover show you how passionate they can be.

Their sensuality is greatly accentuated when they are with someone committed and in love.

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Today's horoscope: Libra

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