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Best times to consume foods that care for your heart and digestion

Discover how including them in your diet improves cardiovascular health. Learn the best time to consume them and prevent constipation. Get informed now!...
24-07-2024 14:11

  1. Prunes and Their Superpowers
  2. Benefits for the heart and bones
  3. The ideal time to consume them
  4. Other dried fruits that deserve attention

Prunes and Their Superpowers

Food is the foundation of good health, that's no secret. But did you know that there are foods that are like superheroes for our body? One of them is prunes. These small dried fruits are not only delicious, but they are also packed with more than 15 vitamins and minerals. It's as if each prune has its own arsenal of nutrients! Additionally, their concentration of fiber and antioxidants makes them perfect allies for cardiovascular health.

A study from the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil highlights that prunes concentrate the properties of fresh ones, multiplying them several times. So if you thought they were just a snack, think again. You're chewing on health with every bite.

Benefits for the heart and bones

The benefits of prunes don't stop there. According to the American Society for Nutrition, their daily consumption can be a great ally for cardiovascular health, especially in older adults. Did you know that they can help improve HDL cholesterol levels? That means you're not only taking care of your heart, but you're also making your cholesterol feel happier. And for menopausal women, Janhavi Damani has found that consuming between six and twelve prunes a day could be the key to maintaining bone mass. So now you know, bite into those prunes!

The ideal time to consume them

Now, the question everyone is asking: when is the best time to enjoy these wonders? If you suffer from constipation, the answer is clear: a handful of prunes first thing in the morning, before breakfast. Imagine waking up and giving your intestines a hug of prunes. Sounds good, right?

Additionally, if you want to experience the effect of prunes, you can try different ways to include them in your diet. From adding them to your morning cereal to using them in salads or as part of a delicious dessert.

Other dried fruits that deserve attention

Not only are prunes stars in the world of dried fruits. There is a universe of options you can explore. How do figs, raisins, or apricots sound to you? Each one has its own range of nutritional benefits. Including these fruits in your diet will not only make your meals more interesting, but it will also contribute to a balanced and varied diet.

So, the next time you see a bag of prunes at the supermarket, don't hesitate to take it with you. Your heart, your bones, and your gut will thank you. And who knows! You might even become an expert in prune recipes. Are you up for it?

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