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10 things to let go of when you're ready to become a better you

You must learn to let go to find a better version of yourself. Find out what you must let go of in this article....
Author: Alegsa

1. Don't expect to have your life figured out at any time.

 Even people in their 50s don't have it all figured out.

 We are all still growing and learning, but it is not necessary to put that pressure and expectation on yourself.

2. Don't burn yourself out working without taking a break.

 There is nothing wrong with being ambitious and striving for a career, but working 24/7 is not healthy for your mental well-being.

 Work is often used as a distraction to avoid dealing with internal conflicts in your personal life.

Don't try to please everyone, even those you don't care about.

 Generally speaking, you can't please everyone, even if you try.

 Even if your life depended on everyone's approval, you will inevitably disappoint someone.

 You are only human, and in trying to please everyone you carry the baggage of others, which is not fair to you.

4. Don't try to control every aspect of your life.

 It is normal to want to control some aspects of your life, but at some point you will become overly frustrated.

 Some things just happen beyond our control, and we should accept that and be okay with it.

5. Stop seeking validation from the important people in your life.

 No matter how talented or unique you are, your value is not based on people who can't see it.

 There will always be people who don't value your uniqueness, and that's perfectly normal.

 More importantly, the people who love you won't always praise you as you expect, and that's also completely normal.

6. Don't try to rescue, fix or change people.

 We all have someone in our lives that we wish we could improve, especially when it comes to those we love.

 However, no matter how much love we have for someone, we can never save them from a difficult situation.

 It is not our responsibility to change them, but we can be a light that inspires them to change for themselves.

7. Let go of all the weight of trauma and abuse in your past.

 We all have a painful past that hurt us in some way.

 To become a better version of ourselves, we must let go of that past and use that pain to be reborn and change the way we are.

 You can never undo what happened in the past, or get back the person you used to be.

 But you can use your history to make you stronger, feel the grief and then let it go.

8. Stop complaining about everything that doesn't go your way.

 In life, there are always unforeseen events.

 Sometimes, you're late for work and it affects your performance, or someone spills coffee on your shirt.

 However, this doesn't mean you have to constantly complain.

 Stop worrying about these little things.

9. Stop settling in life.

 Whether in relationships, career or any other aspect of your life, stop constantly looking for the easy stuff.

 Life is meant to be lived outside of your comfort zone and you can't expect results if you don't strive for them.

 Growth, as scary as it can be, is never found within comfort.

10. Stop distracting yourself from your inner problems.

 We all at some point use distractions, such as alcohol or Netflix, to evade our thoughts.

 But no matter how many distractions we use, we can never escape the darkness inside us if we don't face what really affects us.

 Take responsibility and face your inner problems in a courageous way.

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I am Alegsa

I have been writing horoscope and self-help articles professionally for over 20 years.

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