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Are Sagittarius men jealous and possessive?

Sagittarius jealousy surfaces when their insecurity reaches a critical level in the relationship....
Author: Alegsa

The Sagittarius man loves his freedom and enjoys independence more than anything else in the world. He does not want a partner to possess, but rather to treat as a companion.

Adventurous and always ready to take on new challenges, Sagittarians are constantly on the move.

For a Sagittarius man there is no such thing as jealousy. Even when he feels jealous, if he ever has this feeling, he does not take it too seriously.

This sign is simply not the most jealous. It doesn't mean that he is not interested in his partner, but if he senses that someone else may be in the discussion, he walks away without question or explanation. He knows what he will do if he is betrayed, so he doesn't stress about jealousy.

When in love, the Sagittarius man is always fun and never too reflective. He is too independent to take anything seriously.

However, when involved in a real relationship, this man can become a little insecure and therefore jealous. In such situations, the Archer may show his temper.

If you are with a man of this sign and he is jealous, talk to him about the problem.

He will be willing to talk and you will both identify what bothers him. If you are lucky enough to be with a man of this sign, be sure to keep his interests active.

He likes to be creative and also enjoys sports. As he is an intellectual, keep him informed with the latest in politics and philosophy. If he is not entertained with what he likes, the Sagittarius man may, out of boredom, become jealous.

When he loves someone, this man is even willing to enter into a physical confrontation for his lover.

So don't make him jealous. He may hit on the person you are trying to flirt with, while asking you if you still love him. However, he does not forgive if someone cheats on him.

He does not live for anyone to be satisfied that he is jealous. But he needs reasons to be suspicious. He won't wake up one day feeling possessive and suspicious. He is too independent and too busy for that.

He himself is loyal and is always by his partner's side. You don't need to worry about the night he leaves. He may want to go on the next adventure, but he will not hesitate to take you with him.

In case it is his lover who gets jealous, the Sagittarius man will not wait for things to happen on their own and will fight, as he is very good at confronting people when they have serious arguments.

Don't try to control or manipulate him while you are fighting. He will only get angrier. If you flirt with someone, he will also get angry, as he finds it disrespectful when someone flirts with his partner, especially in front of him.

When you are with the Sagittarius man, you are with him and no one else. Indeed, it is disrespectful for anyone to believe otherwise.

The Sagittarius man may become jealous, but he will be passive-aggressive about it, and will express his feelings at the least likely times.

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Today's horoscope: Sagittarius

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