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How to attract a Scorpio woman: Top tips to make her fall in love with you

The type of man she wants in her life and how to seduce him....
Author: Alegsa

  1. Appeals to their need to discover new things
  2. What to avoid with your Scorpio woman
  3. What to look out for in Scorpio women

1) Show that you are different.

2) Include it in your plans.

3) Don't be too controlling.

4) Surprise her with elegant gifts.

5) Respect and nurture their independence.

Given our Scorpio woman's intense drive and determination, she can't resist a man with similar personality traits. So a little bravado and swagger wouldn't hurt, and in a similar vein, playing nice with a low profile will have little success.

Flaunt your achievements and strength and she will want more. A confident man who knows his path and his ultimate goals is what she is looking for. Even if that self-assurance is at odds with what she believes, it won't matter: a strong sense of conviction is what she looks for in her man.

Although her ideal partner is someone who is stubborn, the truth is that she wants someone who is more stubborn than she is, even if her pride prevents her from ever admitting it. That said, you should be under no illusions that she is an incredibly tough woman.

In a way, she is cut from a similar cloth to Leo women, only Leo women want to be the centre of attention and be the dominant partner.

Ideally, the Scorpio woman wants her man to be on top of things, using her own drive and steely determination to help him get there.

As already mentioned, she has an uncanny ability to see through any kind of dishonesty, so it is very important that you are 100% honest with her at all times.

Although he will not punish you for the deception, he will turn his back on you with the intention of never letting you in again.

Your drive and need to be productive can often lead you to make life decisions that, at first glance, seem rash. In reality, this is merely the influence of the god of the underworld, Pluto.

In their eyes, there is a continuous cycle of life, death and rebirth, though not in the literal sense. It should come as no surprise then if you come home one day to find that your Scorpio wife has left her job to embark on a new project of some kind. This process of rebirth, rebuilding and fulfilment fuels her decision making.

This is something you will have to learn to dedicate yourself to if you want a long-term relationship with your Scorpio woman. Although in this test there are not many more exciting relationships than with a Scorpio woman.

The Scorpio woman has a burning desire to be in control of her life, and she is almost always in control. When she is in a relationship, this extends to her man's life as well. Her stubborn nature makes her believe that she is always right and will not deviate from it, even when confronted head-on.

Naturally, she is attracted to men who bow to her requests and lifestyle. Those who can do so will earn the love and devotion of their Scorpio woman for years to come.

She needs to feel that she is the most important thing in your life right now. When you talk to her, everything and everyone present should fade into an insignificant blur as you show her the attention her experiences, goals and achievements deserve.

However, acknowledging her every word is only half the story: she needs to know that you are also different from the rest of the herd and that you have the strength to earn her attention.

Appeals to their need to discover new things

Your Scorpio woman will have a unique and mystical aura. It is vitally important that you also maintain a similar sense of mystery about yourself.

This is because your Scorpio woman will get no pleasure from being presented with your whole character. She wants to be fascinated by you and have to think.

An easy way to do this is to simply hide everything about you over time. He will be delighted to discover new information about you just when he thought he knew it all.

She won't be able to stay interested if you spill everything about you on the first few dates.

You can also try to keep the restaurant you are taking her to a secret, to maintain the sense of discovery.

For the truly brave, challenging her to discover you is a sure way to keep her wanting more. However, there is a fine line between challenging her and maintaining 100% honesty. Remember that any kind of deception will ruin your chances with your Scorpio woman.

Despite her tough exterior and steely determination, the Scorpio woman is emotional and sentimental.

This woman loves classic gestures of love, such as a bouquet of flowers, a handwritten letter or even a simple hug and kiss, as it tells her that you care about her and she will like that very much.

Keeping her on her toes and surprising her will be the key to building something special. But, as always, remember to be authentic. She'll quickly know if you're really interested or if you're not.

Generating high-level conversation will speak to her depth and keep her interested. Add a touch of spontaneity to your date as well: showing her some indulgence by having a little fun is a great way to keep her on her toes.

Scorpio women need security. They need to know that a potential relationship is a relationship they can stay in for years. With this in mind, you should plan for the future for her.

Show that you are a planner for the future and that you have goals and aspirations. Not only that, but you also need to emphasise your role in those plans. Talking about "we" rather than "I" is a key way to do this.

Given his natural desire to be in control, you can let him participate in the near future, as this gives him the opportunity to visualise the next few years with you.

Being a quality person is an important factor for the Scorpio woman. She demands it in all facets of her life, so it goes without saying that she expects it from you too. Leave out the cheap and unexciting and show off the expensive and flashy.

If you find yourself in a situation where you don't own anything that fits the criteria, talk about your goals for acquiring something soon. To win the heart of a Scorpio woman, you will have to make it clear that you are determined and know what you want: she has no place in her life for the weak or the timid. She may even test you a few times, to see if you will stand your ground when necessary.

What to avoid with your Scorpio woman

Scorpio women love intrigue and mystery, but they hate dishonesty and lies. Cheating is a very quick way to lose your Scorpio woman forever, as she is simply protecting herself from vulnerable situations. She may not unleash her anger on you, but she definitely won't forget or forgive.

Reviewing your past dating history is usually forbidden, regardless of who you date, but this is doubly true with a Scorpio woman.

She doesn't like sad stories that expose any weaknesses in you. Not only that, but she expects you to respect the secrets of people you have been involved with before; after all, if things go wrong with your Scorpio woman, she will want to know that you will respect her privacy too. Therefore, it is best to keep the conversation interesting but neutral at first.

Scorpio women know that they have a natural attractiveness that attracts men. They take advantage of it and use it. Don't force it on her, or she will lose interest.

Allow enough space for his natural attraction to you to grow. He is much more likely to respond to a more measured approach than a more impulsive one.

Scorpio women like to be in charge and in control. Anything that threatens this control will not appeal to her. In reality, underneath her steely exterior and strong drive, she is insecure, so it is best to tread carefully when trying to attract her.

To have absolute control, she wants to expose herself as little as possible. In her eyes, her secrets are her secrets and hers alone.

Meddling in his life too much or too soon will arouse his suspicions, increasing the likelihood that he will cut off all relations with you.

By its very nature, it is incredibly territorial. If she has any kind of current relationship with a man, whether in the early days or in a marriage of many years, it is a great inconvenience for anyone to make any kind of seduction attempt if they know her current situation. If your Scorpio woman is involved in any way, walk away or risk losing her forever.

Naturally, she also expects this from you. Even the idea of harmless flirting is a great act of dishonesty for her.

She loves to enjoy the luxurious side of life. This is not to say that she is materialistic, but physical gifts are important to her. Again, that doesn't mean she only expects them - she will shower you with gifts if she really feels something for you - but when you buy her something remember that only the best will do.

Surprises suit her very well, as she gets bored easily. The Scorpio woman likes different types of dates or adventures, and you will soon find that she will want more.

What to look out for in Scorpio women

By their very nature, Scorpio women have a mystical aura and are very watchful of all who enter their personal space.

Therefore, they can always tell who is genuine and who is not, so it is always better to be honest around them, as they will be able to see right through you.

She also likes to discover things for herself, rather than having everything handed to her on a plate. So, when it comes to you, try not to spill your mind or your heart's content in the first few encounters.

She loves someone who is ambitious, determined, self-assured and in control, especially as these are qualities she also exhibits. She is also incredibly passionate, more so than her other zodiac partners. For her, loving, defending and protecting her man with all her might is standard procedure.

That said, she is not to be messed with either. Its innate strength means it has to be taken seriously. This also lends itself to a fierce sense of right and wrong, of black and white, of yes and no.

This can work in your favour, as a Scorpio woman will rarely leave you in limbo: she will either see you as part of her life or not, and you will have no illusions about which one.

If you turn against her, you may not earn her wrath - she is not the type to take revenge on those who have wronged her - but she will kick you out of her life indefinitely. She neither forgives nor forgets.

Of course, on the flip side, he will always remember even the smallest of gestures and return it to you several times, highlighting the almost binary nature of his character.

As the Scorpio sign is fixed, you will be attracted to things like routine, solidity and strong foundations. You will avoid a quick relationship in favour of something more lasting, but in the process you will also be more vulnerable.

Her magnetic aura will attract the attention of any man, as she exudes a deep mysticism that keeps anyone on their toes. Her charm is abundant, so it is no wonder she attracts so much attention.

Money is a key factor in her life. She is highly motivated to earn as much as she needs to feel comfortable in life. Not only that, but she expects you to have a similar attitude.

This does not mean that she is dependent on you, quite the contrary. She is not the type to lean on others or require their help, given her proud nature.

But make no mistake, Scorpio women are not cold and calculating, despite their black and white view of life. They feel deeply and are one of the most reliable signs. All this combined results in a unique lady who makes an intensely exciting partner who will support you in all situations and please you immeasurably in bed.

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Today's horoscope: Scorpio

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