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Study reveals 200 substances in food that could cause breast cancer

Study reveals that up to 200 chemical substances in packaging can leach into food, increasing the risk of breast cancer. Discover what experts say....
25-09-2024 20:46

  1. The Invisible Threat of Chemical Packaging
  2. Chronic Exposure and Its Consequences
  3. The Role of Endocrine Disruptors
  4. The Need for Change and Prevention

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The Invisible Threat of Chemical Packaging

Una investigación reciente publicada en Frontiers in Toxicology ha revelado que cerca de 200 sustancias químicas presentes en envases de cartón, plásticos y resinas podrían migrar a los productos que consumimos, representando un riesgo significativo para la salud humana. Durante años, el uso de envases plásticos ha sido una práctica común para almacenar y preservar alimentos. Sin embargo, estudios recientes han demostrado que estos materiales podrían ser una fuente oculta de sustancias carcinógenas, especialmente vinculadas al cáncer de mama.

El estudio, realizado por investigadores suizos, identificó al menos 200 sustancias que tienen la capacidad de trasladarse desde los envases hacia los alimentos y, eventualmente, hacia las personas. Entre los compuestos encontrados se incluyen aminas aromáticas, benceno y estireno, todos ellos conocidos por inducir tumores en modelos animales y humanos. Alarmantemente, el 80% de estos productos químicos provienen de envases plásticos, lo que incrementa el riesgo de exposición diaria.

Chronic Exposure and Its Consequences

The co-author of the study, Jane Muncke, emphasized that exposure to these substances is chronic and, in many cases, involuntary. Chemicals migrate from packaging to the foods we consume, and their persistent presence has been found in breast milk, human tissues, and blood. This is particularly concerning, given that several of these compounds are endocrine disruptors, capable of altering the production of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, which represents a significant risk factor for women's health, especially at young ages.

The authors of the study warned that this chronic exposure to suspected mammary carcinogens is the norm, highlighting a prevention opportunity that has been underestimated. Several potential carcinogens were identified, including benzene, which is linked to breast cancer, and other compounds that have been shown to induce tumors in animals.

The Role of Endocrine Disruptors

PFAS (perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances), known as "forever chemicals," also pose an additional risk. Used in food packaging to prevent the leakage of grease and water, these compounds are particularly concerning due to their inability to degrade in the environment. Research has shown that many of these carcinogens are associated with steroidogenesis and genotoxicity, suggesting that they may increase the risk of breast cancer in humans.

The study also revealed that of the 76 potential mammary carcinogens identified, many had already been classified with hazard warnings by various regulatory agencies, highlighting the need for a more thorough assessment of the risks associated with these substances.

The Need for Change and Prevention

Breast cancer is the most common tumor worldwide. According to the WHO, in 2020 there were 2.3 million diagnoses, and 685,000 deaths were recorded due to this disease. Experts have highlighted the importance of a healthy diet and reducing exposure to chemicals in the environment.

Research suggests that a change in risk management related to food could be essential in reducing cancer incidence. By improving risk assessments and adopting a more detailed approach to identifying hazardous chemicals, human exposure could be significantly decreased. Additionally, early detection through mammograms and other evaluation methods is crucial for saving lives.

In conclusion, the identification of chemical substances in food packaging raises serious public health concerns. It is essential to continue investigating and taking action to reduce exposure to these carcinogens, as well as to promote a healthier lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise.

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