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Thomas Ceccon, the sexiest athlete of Paris 2024

Compared to Greek gods and Renaissance sculptures, Ceccon became a viral sensation worldwide. Discover more about the man who redefines athletic perfection and steals sighs both in and out of the pool....
14-08-2024 15:03

!Thomas Ceccon! If you haven't heard his name, you were probably living under a rock when the Paris 2024 Olympics took over all social media.

This Italian swimmer is not only a prodigy in the water but also a viral sensation that left more than one heart racing.

In the 4 × 100 m freestyle relay, Thomas and his team took home the bronze medal. But honestly, it was his imposing physique and charisma that truly stole the show.

With his emotional tears during the awards ceremony after winning gold in the 100 meters backstroke—the guy almost broke the Internet. Who doesn't love seeing an athlete embrace their emotions?

He stands at an impressive 1.97 meters; yes, monstrously tall for Olympic dreams and memes alike.

On X (formerly known as Twitter), they exploded with overflowing admiration comments: from comparisons to Michelangelo's David to poetic sayings like "sculpted by the very angels" or even Renaissance personifications.

The craze was such that Ceccon jumped straight from the chlorine to the glossy pages of celebrity magazines. In short: he easily earned the title of the most attractive athlete of Paris 2024.

Wondering about those flirty tweets? Here’s an epic one: “God bless the dinosaurs that died and became the fossil fuel that was then gasoline that went into the car that took the woman who gave birth to Thomas Ceccon to the hospital.” Speechless.

I firmly believe—and I speak without exaggeration—that we have never seen such a perfect amalgamation of ancient beauty and modern talents floating together in an Olympic pool.

After winning that shiny gold, searches for Thomas Ceccon exploded on Google Trends since the glorious day of July 27; the shared videos were pure adoration! Religious phrases flooded our digital screens: “Holy mother of the divine word.”

He wasn’t the only athlete who caught attention: Olympic swimmer who seemed to swim naked with his controversial swimsuit

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